Source code for orbitdeterminator.filters.triple_moving_average

Here we take the average of 3 terms x0, A, B where,
x0 = The point to be estimated
A = weighted average of n terms previous to x0
B = weighted avreage of n terms ahead of x0
n = window size
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from util import read_data as rd

[docs]def weighted_average(params): ''' Calculates the weighted average of terms in the input Args: params (list): a list of numbers Returns: list: weighted average of the terms in the list ''' weighted_sum = 0 weight = len(params) weight_sum = weight * (weight+1) / 2 for num in params: weighted_sum += weight*num weight -= 1 return weighted_sum / weight_sum
[docs]def triple_moving_average(signal_array, window_size): ''' Apply triple moving average to a signal Args: signal_array (numpy array): the array of values on which the filter is to be applied window_size (int): the no. of points before and after x0 which should be considered for calculating A and B Returns: numpy array: a filtered array of size same as that of signal_array ''' filtered_signal = [] arr_len = len(signal_array) for index, point in enumerate(signal_array): if (index < window_size or index > arr_len - window_size ): filtered_signal.append(point) else: A, B = [], [] for i in range(0, window_size): A.append(signal_array[index + i]) B.append(signal_array[index - i]) wa_A = weighted_average(A) wa_B = weighted_average(B) filtered_signal.append((point + wa_B + wa_A ) / 3) return filtered_signal
[docs]def generate_filtered_data(in_data, window): ''' Apply the filter and generate the filtered data Args: in_data (string): numpy array containing the positional data window (int): window size applied into the filter Returns: numpy array: the final filtered array ''' averaged_x = triple_moving_average(list(in_data[:,1]), window) averaged_y = triple_moving_average(list(in_data[:,2]), window) averaged_z = triple_moving_average(list(in_data[:,3]), window) output = np.hstack(((in_data[:,0])[:, np.newaxis], (np.array(averaged_x))[:, np.newaxis], (np.array(averaged_y))[:, np.newaxis], (np.array(averaged_z))[:, np.newaxis] )) return output
if __name__ == "__main__": signal = rd.load_data(os.getcwd() + '/' + sys.argv[1]) import time time_start = time.clock() output = generate_filtered_data(signal, 2) time_stop = time.clock() print("File {} processed in {} seconds.".format( sys.argv[1], time_stop - time_start ) ) np.savetxt("filtered.csv", output, delimiter=",") print("Filtered output saved as filtered.csv") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot(output[:,1], output[:,2], output[:,3], 'b', label='filtered') ax.plot(list(signal[:,1]), list(signal[:,2]), list(signal[:,3]), 'r', label='noisy') ax.legend(['Filtered Orbit', 'Noisy Orbit'])