Source code for orbitdeterminator.util.golay_window

[docs]def window(error, data): ''' Calculates the constant c which is needed to determine the savintzky - golay filter window window = len(data) / c ,where c is a constant strongly related to the error contained in the data set Args: error(float): the a-priori error estimation for each measurment data(numpy array): the positional data set Returns: float: constant which describes the window that needs to be inputed to the savintzky - golay filter ''' if error <= 40.0: c = 10.26 + (10676069.73 / (1 + ((error/1.242)**5.367))) else: c = (- 0.046725 * error) + 13.102 c = int(c) window = len(data) / c window = int(window) if (window % 2) == 0: window = window + 1 return window
if __name__ == "__main__": x_error = 10 # x_error = 10 means, 10km a-priori error estimation, for points with time difference of 1 second print(window(x_error))