Source code for orbitdeterminator.kep_determination.gauss_method

"""Implements Gauss' method for three topocentric right ascension and
declination measurements of celestial bodies. Supports both Earth-centered and
Sun-centered orbits."""

import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import Longitude, SkyCoord, EarthLocation
from astropy.coordinates import solar_system_ephemeris, get_body_barycentric
from astropy import units as uts
from astropy import constants as cts
from astropy.time import Time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from poliastro.core.stumpff import c2, c3
from astropy.coordinates.earth_orientation import obliquity
from astropy.coordinates.matrix_utilities import rotation_matrix
import argparse
import inquirer
import sys
import os.path
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))
import kep_determination.lamberts_method as lm
import kep_determination.orbital_elements as oe
import kep_determination.positional_observation_reporting as por

# declare astronomical constants in appropriate units
au ='km')).value
mu_Sun ='au3 / day2')).value
mu_Earth ='km3 / s2')).value
c_light ='au/day'))
earth_f = 0.003353
Re ='km')).value

x_ephem = 'de432s'

#compute rotation matrices from equatorial to ecliptic frame and viceversa
obliquity_j2000 = obliquity(2451544.5) # mean obliquity of the ecliptic at J2000.0
rot_equat_to_eclip = rotation_matrix( obliquity_j2000, 'x') #rotation matrix from equatorial to ecliptic frames
rot_eclip_to_equat = rotation_matrix(-obliquity_j2000, 'x') #rotation matrix from ecliptic to equatorial frames

# set output from printed arrays at full precision

# convention:
# a: semi-major axis
# e: eccentricity
# taup: time of pericenter passage
# Euler angles:
# omega: argument of pericenter
# I: inclination
# Omega: longitude of ascending node

#rotation about the z-axis about an angle `ang`
def rotz(ang):
    cos_ang = np.cos(ang)
    sin_ang = np.sin(ang)
    return np.array(((cos_ang,-sin_ang,0.0), (sin_ang, cos_ang,0.0), (0.0,0.0,1.0)))

#rotation about the x-axis about an angle `ang`
def rotx(ang):
    cos_ang = np.cos(ang)
    sin_ang = np.sin(ang)
    return np.array(((1.0,0.0,0.0), (0.0,cos_ang,-sin_ang), (0.0,sin_ang,cos_ang)))

#rotation from the orbital plane to the inertial frame
#it is composed of the following rotations, in that order:
#1) rotation about the z axis about an angle `omega` (argument of pericenter)
#2) rotation about the x axis about an angle `I` (inclination)
#3) rotation about the z axis about an angle `Omega` (longitude of ascending node)
def orbplane2frame_(omega,I,Omega):
    P2_mul_P3 = np.matmul(rotx(I),rotz(omega))
    return np.matmul(rotz(Omega),P2_mul_P3)

def orbplane2frame(x):
    return orbplane2frame_(x[0],x[1],x[2])

# get Keplerian range
def kep_r_(a, e, f):
    return a * (1.0 - e**2)/(1.0 + e * np.cos(f))

def kep_r(x):
    return kep_r_(x[0],x[1],x[2])

# get cartesian positions wrt orbital plane
def xyz_orbplane_(a, e, f):
    r = kep_r_(a, e, f)
    return np.array((r*np.cos(f),r*np.sin(f),0.0))

def xyz_orbplane(x):
    return xyz_orbplane_(x[0],x[1],x[2])

# get cartesian positions wrt inertial frame from orbital elements
def xyz_frame2(a,e,f,omega,I,Omega):
    return np.matmul( orbplane2frame_(omega,I,Omega) , xyz_orbplane_(a, e, f) )

def xyz_frame(x):
    return np.matmul( orbplane2frame(x[3:6]) , xyz_orbplane(x[0:3]) )

# get mean motion from mass parameter (mu) and semimajor axis (a)
def meanmotion(mu,a):
    return np.sqrt(mu/(a**3))

# get mean anomaly from mean motion (n), time (t) and time of pericenter passage (taup)
def meananomaly(n, t, taup):
    return np.mod(n*(t-taup), 2.0*np.pi)

# compute eccentric anomaly (E) from eccentricity (e) and mean anomaly (M)
def eccentricanomaly(e,M):
    M0 = np.mod(M,2*np.pi)
    E0 = M0 + np.sign(np.sin(M0))*0.85*e #Murray-Dermotts' initial estimate
    # successive approximations via Newtons' method
    for i in range(0,4):
        #TODO: implement modified Newton's method for Kepler's equation (Murray-Dermott)
        Eans = E0 - (E0-e*np.sin(E0)-M0)/(1.0-e*np.cos(E0))
        E0 = Eans
    return E0

# compute true anomaly (f) from eccentricity (e) and eccentric anomaly (E)
def trueanomaly(e,E):
    Enew = np.mod(E,2.0*np.pi)
    return 2.0*np.arctan(  np.sqrt((1.0+e)/(1.0-e))*np.tan(Enew/2)  )

# compute eccentric anomaly (E) from eccentricity (e) and true anomaly (f)
def truean2eccan(e, f):
    fnew = np.mod(f,2.0*np.pi)
    return 2.0*np.arctan(  np.sqrt((1.0-e)/(1.0+e))*np.tan(fnew/2)  )

# compute true anomaly from eccentricity and mean anomaly
def meanan2truean(e,M):
    return trueanomaly(e, eccentricanomaly(e, M))

# compute true anomaly from time, a, e, mu and taup
def time2truean(a, e, mu, t, taup):
    return meanan2truean(e, meananomaly(meanmotion(mu, a), t, taup))

# compute cartesian positions (x,y,z) at time t
# for mass parameter mu from orbital elements a, e, taup, I, omega, Omega
def orbel2xyz(t, mu, a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega):

    # compute true anomaly at time t
    f = time2truean(a, e, mu, t, taup)
    # get cartesian positions wrt inertial frame from orbital elements
    return xyz_frame2(a, e, f, omega, I, Omega)

[docs]def load_mpc_observatories_data(mpc_observatories_fname): """Load Minor Planet Center observatories data using numpy's genfromtxt function. Args: mpc_observatories_fname (str): file name with MPC observatories data. Returns: ndarray: data read from the text file (output from numpy.genfromtxt) """ obs_dt = 'S3, f8, f8, f8, S48' obs_delims = [4, 10, 9, 10, 48] return np.genfromtxt(mpc_observatories_fname, dtype=obs_dt, names=True, delimiter=obs_delims, autostrip=True, encoding=None)
[docs]def get_observatory_data(observatory_code, mpc_observatories_data): """Load individual data of MPC observatory corresponding to given observatory code. Args: observatory_code (int): MPC observatory code. mpc_observatories_data (string): path to file containing MPC observatories data. Returns: ndarray: observatory data corresponding to code. """ arr_index = np.where(mpc_observatories_data['Code'] == observatory_code) return mpc_observatories_data[arr_index[0][0]]
[docs]def load_mpc_data(fname): """Loads minor planet position observation data from MPC-formatted files. MPC format for minor planet observations is described at TODO: Add support for comets and natural satellites. Add support for radar observations: See also NOTE 2 in: Args: fname (string): name of the MPC-formatted text file to be parsed Returns: x (ndarray): array of minor planet position observations following the MPC format. """ # dt is the dtype for MPC-formatted text files dt = 'i8,S7,S1,S1,S1,i8,i8,i8,f8,U24,S9,S6,S6,S3' # mpc_names correspond to the dtype names of each field mpc_names = ['mpnum','provdesig','discovery','publishnote','j2000','yr','month','day','utc','radec','9xblank','magband','6xblank','observatory'] # mpc_delims are the fixed-width column delimiter following MPC format description mpc_delims = [5,7,1,1,1,4,3,3,7,24,9,6,6,3] return np.genfromtxt(fname, dtype=dt, names=mpc_names, delimiter=mpc_delims, autostrip=True)
[docs]def observerpos_mpc(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_utc): """Compute geocentric observer position at UTC instant t_utc, for Sun-centered orbits, at a given observation site defined by its longitude, and parallax constants S and C. Formula taken from top of page 266, chapter 5, Orbital Mechanics book (Curtis). The parallax constants S and C are defined by: S=rho cos phi' C=rho sin phi', where rho: slant range phi': geocentric latitude Args: long (float): longitude of observing site parallax_s (float): parallax constant S of observing site parallax_c (float): parallax constant C of observing site t_utc (astropy.time.Time): UTC time of observation Returns: 1x3 numpy array: cartesian components of observer's geocentric position """ # Earth's equatorial radius in kilometers # Re ='km')).value # define Longitude object for the observation site longitude long_site = Longitude(long,, wrap_angle=360.0* # compute sidereal time of observation at site t_site_lmst = t_utc.sidereal_time('mean', longitude=long_site) lmst_rad = t_site_lmst.rad # np.deg2rad(lmst_hrs*15.0) # radians # compute cartesian components of geocentric (non rotating) observer position x_gc = Re*parallax_c*np.cos(lmst_rad) y_gc = Re*parallax_c*np.sin(lmst_rad) z_gc = Re*parallax_s return np.array((x_gc,y_gc,z_gc))
[docs]def observerpos_sat(lat, long, elev, t_utc): """Compute geocentric observer position at UTC instant t_utc, for Earth-centered orbits, at a given observation site defined by its longitude, geodetic latitude and elevation above reference ellipsoid. Formula taken from bottom of page 265 (Eq. 5.56), chapter 5, Orbital Mechanics book (Curtis). Args: lat (float): geodetic latitude (deg) long (float): longitude (deg) elev (float): elevation above reference ellipsoid (m) t_utc (astropy.time.Time): UTC time of observation Returns: 1x3 numpy array: cartesian components of observer's geocentric position """ # Earth's equatorial radius in kilometers # Re ='km')).value # define Longitude object for the observation site longitude long_site = Longitude(long,, wrap_angle=180.0* # compute sidereal time of observation at site t_site_lmst = t_utc.sidereal_time('mean', longitude=long_site) lmst_rad = t_site_lmst.rad # np.deg2rad(lmst_hrs*15.0) # radians # latitude phi_rad = np.deg2rad(lat) # convert ellipsoid coordinates to cartesian cos_phi = np.cos( phi_rad ) cos_phi_cos_theta = cos_phi*np.cos( lmst_rad ) cos_phi_sin_theta = cos_phi*np.sin( lmst_rad ) sin_phi = np.sin( phi_rad ) denum = np.sqrt(1.0-(2.0*earth_f-earth_f**2)*sin_phi**2) r_xy = Re/denum+elev/1000.0 r_z = Re*((1.0-earth_f)**2)/denum+elev/1000.0 # compute cartesian components of geocentric (non-rotating) observer position x_gc = r_xy*cos_phi_cos_theta y_gc = r_xy*cos_phi_sin_theta z_gc = r_z*sin_phi return np.array((x_gc,y_gc,z_gc))
[docs]def losvector(ra_rad, dec_rad): """Compute line-of-sight (LOS) vector for given values of right ascension and declination. Both angles must be provided in radians. Args: ra_rad (float): right ascension (rad) dec_rad (float): declination (rad) Returns: 1x3 numpy array: cartesian components of LOS vector. """ cosa_cosd = np.cos(ra_rad)*np.cos(dec_rad) sina_cosd = np.sin(ra_rad)*np.cos(dec_rad) sind = np.sin(dec_rad) return np.array((cosa_cosd, sina_cosd, sind))
[docs]def lagrangef(mu, r2, tau): """Compute 1st order approximation to Lagrange's f function. Args: mu (float): gravitational parameter attracting body r2 (float): radial distance tau (float): time interval Returns: float: Lagrange's f function value """ return 1.0-0.5*(mu/(r2**3))*(tau**2)
[docs]def lagrangeg(mu, r2, tau): """Compute 1st order approximation to Lagrange's g function. Args: mu (float): gravitational parameter attracting body r2 (float): radial distance tau (float): time interval Returns: float: Lagrange's g function value """ return tau-(1.0/6.0)*(mu/(r2**3))*(tau**3)
# Set of functions for cartesian states -> Keplerian elements
[docs]def kep_h_norm(x, y, z, u, v, w): """Compute norm of specific angular momentum vector h. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity Returns: float: norm of specific angular momentum vector, h. """ return np.sqrt( (y*w-z*v)**2 + (z*u-x*w)**2 + (x*v-y*u)**2 )
[docs]def kep_h_vec(x, y, z, u, v, w): """Compute specific angular momentum vector h. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity Returns: float: specific angular momentum vector, h. """ return np.array((y*w-z*v, z*u-x*w, x*v-y*u))
[docs]def semimajoraxis(x, y, z, u, v, w, mu): """Compute value of semimajor axis, a. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity mu (float): gravitational parameter Returns: float: semimajor axis, a """ myRadius=np.sqrt((x**2)+(y**2)+(z**2)) myVelSqr=(u**2)+(v**2)+(w**2) return 1.0/( (2.0/myRadius)-(myVelSqr/mu) )
[docs]def eccentricity(x, y, z, u, v, w, mu): """Compute value of eccentricity, e. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity mu (float): gravitational parameter Returns: float: eccentricity, e """ h2 = ((y*w-z*v)**2) + ((z*u-x*w)**2) + ((x*v-y*u)**2) a = semimajoraxis(x,y,z,u,v,w,mu) quotient = h2/( mu*a ) return np.sqrt(1.0 - quotient)
[docs]def inclination(x, y, z, u, v, w): """Compute value of inclination, I. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity Returns: float: inclination, I """ my_hz = x*v-y*u my_h = np.sqrt( (y*w-z*v)**2 + (z*u-x*w)**2 + (x*v-y*u)**2 ) return np.arccos(my_hz/my_h)
[docs]def longascnode(x, y, z, u, v, w): """Compute value of longitude of ascending node, computed as the angle between x-axis and the vector n = (-hy,hx,0), where hx, hy, are respectively, the x and y components of specific angular momentum vector, h. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity Returns: float: longitude of ascending node """ res = np.arctan2(y*w-z*v, x*w-z*u) # remember atan2 is atan2(y/x) if res >= 0.0: return res else: return res+2.0*np.pi
[docs]def rungelenz(x, y, z, u, v, w, mu): """Compute the cartesian components of Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity mu (float): gravitational parameter Returns: float: Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector """ r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) lrl_x = ( -(z*u-x*w)*w+(x*v-y*u)*v )/mu-x/r lrl_y = ( -(x*v-y*u)*u+(y*w-z*v)*w )/mu-y/r lrl_z = ( -(y*w-z*v)*v+(z*u-x*w)*u )/mu-z/r return np.array((lrl_x, lrl_y, lrl_z))
[docs]def argperi(x, y, z, u, v, w, mu): """Compute the argument of pericenter. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity mu (float): gravitational parameter Returns: float: argument of pericenter """ # # # n = (z-axis unit vector)×h = (-hy, hx, 0) n = np.array((x*w-z*u, y*w-z*v, 0.0)) e = rungelenz(x,y,z,u,v,w,mu) #cartesian comps. of Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector n = n/np.sqrt(n[0]**2+n[1]**2+n[2]**2) e = e/np.sqrt(e[0]**2+e[1]**2+e[2]**2) cos_omega =, e) if e[2] >= 0.0: return np.arccos(cos_omega) else: return 2.0*np.pi-np.arccos(cos_omega)
[docs]def trueanomaly5(x, y, z, u, v, w, mu): """Compute the true anomaly from cartesian state. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity mu (float): gravitational parameter Returns: float: true anomaly """ r_vec = np.array((x, y, z)) r_vec = r_vec/np.linalg.norm(r_vec, ord=2) e_vec = rungelenz(x, y, z, u, v, w, mu) e_vec = e_vec/np.linalg.norm(e_vec, ord=2) v_vec = np.array((u, v, w)) v_r_num =, r_vec) if v_r_num>=0.0: return np.arccos(, r_vec)) elif v_r_num<0.0: return 2.0*np.pi-np.arccos(, r_vec))
[docs]def taupericenter(t, e, f, n): """Compute the time of pericenter passage. Args: t (float): current time e (float): eccentricity f (float): true anomaly n (float): Keplerian mean motion Returns: float: time of pericenter passage """ E0 = truean2eccan(e, f) M0 = np.mod(E0-e*np.sin(E0), 2.0*np.pi) return t-M0/n
[docs]def alpha(x, y, z, u, v, w, mu): """Compute the inverse of the semimajor axis. Args: x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity mu (float): gravitational parameter Returns: float: alpha = 1/a """ myRadius=np.sqrt((x**2)+(y**2)+(z**2)) myVelSqr=(u**2)+(v**2)+(w**2) return (2.0/myRadius)-(myVelSqr/mu)
[docs]def univkepler(dt, x, y, z, u, v, w, mu, iters=5, atol=1e-15): """Compute the current value of the universal Kepler anomaly, xi. Args: dt (float): time interval x (float): x-component of position y (float): y-component of position z (float): z-component of position u (float): x-component of velocity v (float): y-component of velocity w (float): z-component of velocity mu (float): gravitational parameter iters (int): number of iterations of Newton-Raphson process atol (float): absolute tolerance of Newton-Raphson process Returns: float: alpha = 1/a """ # compute preliminaries r0 = np.sqrt((x**2)+(y**2)+(z**2)) v20 = (u**2)+(v**2)+(w**2) vr0 = (x*u+y*v+z*w)/r0 alpha0 = (2.0/r0)-(v20/mu) # compute initial estimate for xi xi = np.sqrt(mu)*np.abs(alpha0)*dt i = 0 ratio_i = 1.0 while np.abs(ratio_i)>atol and i<iters: xi2 = xi**2 z_i = alpha0*(xi2) a_i = (r0*vr0)/np.sqrt(mu) b_i = 1.0-alpha0*r0 C_z_i = c2(z_i) S_z_i = c3(z_i) if np.isinf(C_z_i) == True or np.isinf(S_z_i) == True: return np.nan f_i = a_i*xi2*C_z_i + b_i*(xi**3)*S_z_i + r0*xi - np.sqrt(mu)*dt g_i = a_i*xi*(1.0-z_i*S_z_i) + b_i*xi2*C_z_i+r0 ratio_i = f_i/g_i xi = xi - ratio_i i += 1 return xi
[docs]def lagrangef_(xi, z, r): """Compute current value of Lagrange's f function. Args: xi (float): universal Kepler anomaly z (float): xi**2/alpha r (float): radial distance Returns: float: Lagrange's f function value """ return 1.0-(xi**2)*c2(z)/r
[docs]def lagrangeg_(tau, xi, z, mu): """Compute current value of Lagrange's g function. Args: tau (float): time interval xi (float): universal Kepler anomaly z (float): xi**2/alpha r (float): radial distance Returns: float: Lagrange's g function value """ return tau-(xi**3)*c3(z)/np.sqrt(mu)
[docs]def get_time_of_observation(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msecond): """ creates time variable :param year: :param month: :param day: :param hour: :param minute: :param second: :param msecond: :return: """ td = timedelta(hours = 1.0 * hour, minutes = 1.0 * minute, seconds = (second + msecond / 1000.0)) timeobs = Time(datetime(year, month, day) + td) return timeobs
[docs]def get_observations_data(mpc_object_data, inds): """Extract three ra/dec observations from MPC observation data file. Args: mpc_object_data (string): file path to MPC observation data of object inds (int array): indices of requested data Returns: obs_radec (1x3 SkyCoord array): ra/dec observation data obs_t (1x3 Time array): time observation data site_codes (1x3 int array): corresponding codes of observation sites """ # construct SkyCoord 3-element array with observational information timeobs = np.zeros((3,), dtype=Time) obs_radec = np.zeros((3,), dtype=SkyCoord) obs_t = np.zeros((3,)) timeobs[0] = Time( datetime(mpc_object_data['yr'][inds[0]], mpc_object_data['month'][inds[0]], mpc_object_data['day'][inds[0]]) + timedelta(days=mpc_object_data['utc'][inds[0]]) ) timeobs[1] = Time( datetime(mpc_object_data['yr'][inds[1]], mpc_object_data['month'][inds[1]], mpc_object_data['day'][inds[1]]) + timedelta(days=mpc_object_data['utc'][inds[1]]) ) timeobs[2] = Time( datetime(mpc_object_data['yr'][inds[2]], mpc_object_data['month'][inds[2]], mpc_object_data['day'][inds[2]]) + timedelta(days=mpc_object_data['utc'][inds[2]]) ) obs_radec[0] = SkyCoord(mpc_object_data['radec'][inds[0]], unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[0]) obs_radec[1] = SkyCoord(mpc_object_data['radec'][inds[1]], unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[1]) obs_radec[2] = SkyCoord(mpc_object_data['radec'][inds[2]], unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[2]) # construct vector of observation time (continous variable) obs_t[0] = obs_radec[0].obstime.tdb.jd obs_t[1] = obs_radec[1].obstime.tdb.jd obs_t[2] = obs_radec[2].obstime.tdb.jd site_codes = [mpc_object_data['observatory'][inds[0]], mpc_object_data['observatory'][inds[1]], mpc_object_data['observatory'][inds[2]]] return obs_radec, obs_t, site_codes
[docs]def get_observations_data_sat(iod_object_data, inds): """Extract three ra/dec observations from IOD observation data file. Args: iod_object_data (string): file path to sat tracking observation data of object inds (int array): indices of requested data Returns: obs_radec (1x3 SkyCoord array): ra/dec observation data obs_t (1x3 Time array): time observation data site_codes (1x3 int array): corresponding codes of observation sites """ # construct SkyCoord 3-element array with observational information timeobs = np.zeros((3,), dtype=Time) obs_radec = np.zeros((3,), dtype=SkyCoord) obs_t = np.zeros((3,)) td1 = timedelta(hours=1.0*iod_object_data['hr'][inds[0]], minutes=1.0*iod_object_data['min'][inds[0]], seconds=(iod_object_data['sec'][inds[0]]+iod_object_data['msec'][inds[0]]/1000.0)) td2 = timedelta(hours=1.0*iod_object_data['hr'][inds[1]], minutes=1.0*iod_object_data['min'][inds[1]], seconds=(iod_object_data['sec'][inds[1]]+iod_object_data['msec'][inds[1]]/1000.0)) td3 = timedelta(hours=1.0*iod_object_data['hr'][inds[2]], minutes=1.0*iod_object_data['min'][inds[2]], seconds=(iod_object_data['sec'][inds[2]]+iod_object_data['msec'][inds[2]]/1000.0)) timeobs[0] = Time( datetime(iod_object_data['yr'][inds[0]], iod_object_data['month'][inds[0]], iod_object_data['day'][inds[0]]) + td1 ) timeobs[1] = Time( datetime(iod_object_data['yr'][inds[1]], iod_object_data['month'][inds[1]], iod_object_data['day'][inds[1]]) + td2 ) timeobs[2] = Time( datetime(iod_object_data['yr'][inds[2]], iod_object_data['month'][inds[2]], iod_object_data['day'][inds[2]]) + td3 ) raHHMMmmm0 = str(iod_object_data['raHH'][inds[0]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['raMM'][inds[0]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['rammm'][inds[0]].decode()) raHHMMmmm1 = str(iod_object_data['raHH'][inds[1]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['raMM'][inds[1]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['rammm'][inds[1]].decode()) raHHMMmmm2 = str(iod_object_data['raHH'][inds[2]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['raMM'][inds[2]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['rammm'][inds[2]].decode()) decDDMMmmm0 = str(iod_object_data['decDD'][inds[0]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['decMM'][inds[0]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['decmmm'][inds[0]].decode()) decDDMMmmm1 = str(iod_object_data['decDD'][inds[1]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['decMM'][inds[1]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['decmmm'][inds[1]].decode()) decDDMMmmm2 = str(iod_object_data['decDD'][inds[2]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['decMM'][inds[2]].decode()) + str(iod_object_data['decmmm'][inds[2]].decode()) # construct vector of observation time (continous variable) obs_t[0] = (timeobs[0]-timeobs[0]).sec obs_t[1] = (timeobs[1]-timeobs[0]).sec obs_t[2] = (timeobs[2]-timeobs[0]).sec site_codes = [iod_object_data['station'][inds[0]], iod_object_data['station'][inds[1]], iod_object_data['station'][inds[2]]] sat_observatories_data = por.load_sat_observatories_data('../station_observatory_data/sat_tracking_observatories.txt') # checks angle sub-format, converts subformats to sub-format 2 used in satobs for all three lines clipped_iod=str(raHHMMmmm0)+str(decDDMMmmm0) site_codes_0 = iod_object_data['station'][inds[0]] obs=por.get_station_data(site_codes_0, sat_observatories_data) lat=obs['Latitude'] # deg lon=obs['Longitude'] # deg alt=obs['Elev'] # meters lon = np.radians(lon) lat = np.radians(lat) ra0 = 0.0 dec0 = 0.0 # RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDMMSS MX (MX in seconds of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[0]] == 1): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) / 10.0) * float(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ ) ra0= ra_or_az dec0= dec_or_el # RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDMMmm MX (MX in minutes of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[0]] == 2): raHHMMmmm0 = int(iod_object_data['raHH'][inds[0]]) + (int(iod_object_data['raMM'][inds[0]])+int(iod_object_data['rammm'][inds[0]])/1000.0)/60.0 decDDMMmmm0 = int(iod_object_data['decDD'][inds[0]]) + (int(iod_object_data['decMM'][inds[0]])+int(iod_object_data['decmmm'][inds[0]])/1000.0)/60.0 ra0= raHHMMmmm0 dec0= decDDMMmmm0 # RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[0]] == 3): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '')))))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) ra0= ra_or_az dec0= dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDMMSS+DDMMSS MX (MX in seconds of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[0]] == 4): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_0 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[0], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_0.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_0.icrs.dec.deg ra0 = ra_or_az dec0 = dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDMMmm+DDMMmm MX (MX in minutes of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[0]] == 5): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')))))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', ''))))))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_0 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[0], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_0.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_0.icrs.dec.deg ra0 = ra_or_az dec0 = dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDdddd+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[0]] == 6): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '')))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_0 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[0], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_0.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_0.icrs.dec.deg ra0 = ra_or_az dec0 = dec_or_el # RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[0]] == 7): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) / 10.0) * float(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) ra0= ra_or_az dec0= dec_or_el #### clipped_iod=raHHMMmmm1+decDDMMmmm1 site_codes_1 = iod_object_data['station'][inds[1]] obs=por.get_station_data(site_codes_1, sat_observatories_data) lat=obs['Latitude'] lon=obs['Longitude'] alt=obs['Elev'] ra1 = 0.0 dec1 = 0.0 # RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDMMSS MX (MX in seconds of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[1]] == 1): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) / 10.0) * float(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ ) ra1= ra_or_az dec1= dec_or_el # RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDMMmm MX (MX in minutes of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[1]] == 2): raHHMMmmm1 = int(iod_object_data['raHH'][inds[1]]) + (int(iod_object_data['raMM'][inds[1]])+int(iod_object_data['rammm'][inds[1]])/1000.0)/60.0 decDDMMmmm1 = int(iod_object_data['decDD'][inds[1]]) + (int(iod_object_data['decMM'][inds[1]])+int(iod_object_data['decmmm'][inds[1]])/1000.0)/60.0 ra1= raHHMMmmm1 dec1= decDDMMmmm1 # RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[1]] == 3): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '')))))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) ra1= ra_or_az dec1= dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDMMSS+DDMMSS MX (MX in seconds of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[1]] == 4): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_1 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[1], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_1.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_1.icrs.dec.deg ra1 = ra_or_az dec1 = dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDMMmm+DDMMmm MX (MX in minutes of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[1]] == 5): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')))))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', ''))))))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_1 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[1], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_1.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_1.icrs.dec.deg ra1 = ra_or_az dec1 = dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDdddd+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[1]] == 6): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '')))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_1 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[1], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_1.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_1.icrs.dec.deg ra1 = ra_or_az dec1 = dec_or_el # RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[1]] == 7): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) / 10.0) * float(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) ra1= ra_or_az dec1= dec_or_el #### #### clipped_iod=raHHMMmmm2+decDDMMmmm2 site_codes_2 = iod_object_data['station'][inds[2]] obs=por.get_station_data(site_codes_2, sat_observatories_data) lat=obs['Latitude'] lon=obs['Longitude'] alt=obs['Elev'] ra2 = 0.0 dec2 = 0.0 # RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDMMSS MX (MX in seconds of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]] == 1): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) / 10.0) * float(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ ) ra2= ra_or_az dec2= dec_or_el # RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDMMmm MX (MX in minutes of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]] == 2): raHHMMmmm2 = int(iod_object_data['raHH'][inds[2]]) + (int(iod_object_data['raMM'][inds[2]])+int(iod_object_data['rammm'][inds[2]])/1000.0)/60.0 decDDMMmmm2 = int(iod_object_data['decDD'][inds[2]]) + (int(iod_object_data['decMM'][inds[2]])+int(iod_object_data['decmmm'][inds[2]])/1000.0)/60.0 ra2= raHHMMmmm2 dec2= decDDMMmmm2 # RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]] == 3): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[4:7].replace(' ', '')))))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) ra2= ra_or_az dec2= dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDMMSS+DDMMSS MX (MX in seconds of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]] == 4): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((1.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_2 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[2], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_2.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_2.icrs.dec.deg ra2 = ra_or_az dec2 = dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDMMmm+DDMMmm MX (MX in minutes of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]] == 5): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:5].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[5:7].replace(' ', '')))))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:12].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((1.0 / 60.0) * (float(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[12:14].replace(' ', ''))))))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_2 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[2], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_2.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_2.icrs.dec.deg ra2 = ra_or_az dec2 = dec_or_el # AZ/EL = DDDdddd+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]] == 6): ra_or_az = float(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:3].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[3:7].replace(' ', '')))) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) # convert (az,el) to (RA,Dec) in degrees az = np.radians(ra_or_az) el = np.radians(dec_or_el) observer_location = EarthLocation(lat=lat*uts.deg, lon=lon*uts.deg, height=alt*uts.m) skcrd_2 = SkyCoord(alt = el*uts.deg, az = az*uts.deg, obstime = timeobs[2], frame = 'altaz', location = observer_location) ra_or_az = skcrd_2.icrs.ra.deg dec_or_el = skcrd_2.icrs.dec.deg ra2 = ra_or_az dec2 = dec_or_el # RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc) if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]] == 7): ra_or_az = (15.0 * float(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[0:2].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((15.0 / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[2:4].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + (((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) * float(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[4:6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0"))\ + ((((15.0 / 60.0) / 60.0) / 10.0) * float(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[6].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")) dec_or_el = (-1 if clipped_iod[7] == '-' else 1)\ * (\ float(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[8:10].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0")\ + float(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '') if len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', '')) > 0 else "0") * (10.0 ** (-1 * len(clipped_iod[10:14].replace(' ', ''))))\ ) ra2= ra_or_az dec2= dec_or_el #### if(iod_object_data['angformat'][inds[2]]!=2): obs_radec[0] = SkyCoord(ra=ra0, dec=dec0, unit=(uts.deg, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[0]) obs_radec[1] = SkyCoord(ra=ra1, dec=dec1, unit=(uts.deg, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[1]) obs_radec[2] = SkyCoord(ra=ra2, dec=dec2, unit=(uts.deg, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[2]) else: obs_radec[0] = SkyCoord(ra=ra0, dec=dec0, unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[0]) obs_radec[1] = SkyCoord(ra=ra1, dec=dec1, unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[1]) obs_radec[2] = SkyCoord(ra=ra2, dec=dec2, unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs[2]) #### return obs_radec, obs_t, site_codes
[docs]def earth_ephemeris(t_tdb): """Compute heliocentric position of Earth at Julian date `t_tdb` (TDB, days), according to SPK kernel defined by astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris. Args: t_tdb (float): TDB instant of requested position Returns: (1x3 array): cartesian position in km """ t = Time(t_tdb, format='jd', scale='tdb') ye = get_body_barycentric('earth', t) ys = get_body_barycentric('sun', t) y = ye - ys return
[docs]def observer_wrt_sun(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_utc): """Compute position of observer at Earth's surface, with respect to the Sun, in equatorial frame. Args: long (float): longitude of observing site parallax_s (float): parallax constant S of observing site parallax_c (float): parallax constant C of observing site t_utc (Time): UTC time of observation Returns: (1x3 array): cartesian vector """ t_jd_tdb = t_utc.tdb.jd xyz_es = earth_ephemeris(t_jd_tdb) xyz_oe = observerpos_mpc(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_utc) return (xyz_oe+xyz_es)/au
[docs]def object_wrt_sun(t_utc, a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega): """Compute position of celestial object with respect to the Sun, in equatorial frame. Args: t_utc (Time): UTC time of observation a (float): semimajor axis e (float): eccentricity taup (float): time of pericenter passage omega (float): argument of pericenter I (float): inclination Omega (float): longitude of ascending node Returns: (1x3 array): cartesian vector """ t_jd_tdb = t_utc.tdb.jd xyz_eclip = orbel2xyz(t_jd_tdb, mu_Sun, a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) return np.matmul(rot_eclip_to_equat, xyz_eclip)
[docs]def rho_vec(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_utc, a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega): """Compute slant range vector. Args: long (float): longitude of observing site parallax_s (float): parallax constant S of observing site parallax_c (float): parallax constant C of observing site t_utc (Time): UTC time of observation a (float): semimajor axis e (float): eccentricity taup (float): time of pericenter passage omega (float): argument of pericenter I (float): inclination Omega (float): longitude of ascending node Returns: (1x3 array): cartesian vector """ return object_wrt_sun(t_utc, a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega)-observer_wrt_sun(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_utc)
[docs]def rhovec2radec(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_utc, a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega): """Transform slant range vector to ra/dec values. Args: long (float): longitude of observing site parallax_s (float): parallax constant S of observing site parallax_c (float): parallax constant C of observing site t_utc (Time): UTC time of observation a (float): semimajor axis e (float): eccentricity taup (float): time of pericenter passage omega (float): argument of pericenter I (float): inclination Omega (float): longitude of ascending node Returns: ra_rad (float): right ascension (rad) dec_rad (float): declination (rad) """ r_v = rho_vec(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_utc, a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) r_v_norm = np.linalg.norm(r_v, ord=2) r_v_unit = r_v/r_v_norm cosd_cosa = r_v_unit[0] cosd_sina = r_v_unit[1] sind = r_v_unit[2] ra_rad = np.arctan2(cosd_sina, cosd_cosa) dec_rad = np.arcsin(sind) if ra_rad <0.0: return ra_rad+2.0*np.pi, dec_rad else: return ra_rad, dec_rad
[docs]def angle_diff_rad(a1, a2): """Computes signed difference between two angles. Input angles are assumed to be in radians. Result is returned in radians. Code adapted from Args: a1 (float): angle 1 in radians a2 (float): angle 2 in radians Returns: r (float): shortest signed difference in radians """ r = (a2 - a1) % (2.0*np.pi) # Python modulus has same sign as divisor, which is positive here, # so no need to consider negative case print("Use shorter value of signed difference?[y/n]") ch=input() if(ch=='y'): if r >= np.pi: r -= (2.0*np.pi) elif(ch=='n'): if r <= np.pi: r -= (2.0*np.pi) else: print("Invalid input.Exiting...\n") sys.exit() return r
[docs]def radec_residual_mpc(x, t_ra_dec_datapoint, long, parallax_s, parallax_c): """Compute observed minus computed (O-C) residual for a given ra/dec datapoint, represented as a SkyCoord object, for MPC observation data. Args: x (1x6 array): set of Keplerian elements t_ra_dec_datapoint (SkyCoord): ra/dec datapoint long (float): longitude of observing site parallax_s (float): parallax constant S of observing site parallax_c (float): parallax constant C of observing site Returns: (1x2 array): right ascension difference, declination difference """ ra_comp, dec_comp = rhovec2radec(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t_ra_dec_datapoint.obstime, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]) ra_obs, dec_obs = t_ra_dec_datapoint.ra.rad, t_ra_dec_datapoint.dec.rad #"unsigned" distance between points in torus diff_ra = angle_diff_rad(ra_obs, ra_comp) diff_dec = angle_diff_rad(dec_obs, dec_comp) return np.array((diff_ra,diff_dec))
[docs]def radec_residual_rov_mpc(x, t, ra_obs_rad, dec_obs_rad, long, parallax_s, parallax_c): """Compute right ascension and declination observed minus computed (O-C) residual, using precomputed vector of observed ra/dec values, for MPC observation data. Args: x (1x6 array): set of Keplerian elements t (Time): time of observation ra_obs_rad (float): observed right ascension (rad) dec_obs_rad (float): observed declination (rad) long (float): longitude of observing site parallax_s (float): parallax constant S of observing site parallax_c (float): parallax constant C of observing site Returns: (1x2 array): right ascension difference, declination difference """ ra_comp, dec_comp = rhovec2radec(long, parallax_s, parallax_c, t, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]) #"unsigned" distance between points in torus diff_ra = angle_diff_rad(ra_obs_rad, ra_comp) diff_dec = angle_diff_rad(dec_obs_rad, dec_comp) return np.array((diff_ra,diff_dec))
[docs]def get_observer_pos_wrt_sun(mpc_observatories_data, obs_radec, site_codes): """Compute position of observer at Earth's surface, with respect to the Sun, in equatorial frame, during 3 distinct instants. Args: mpc_observatories_data (string): path to file containing MPC observatories data. obs_radec (1x3 SkyCoord array): three rad/dec observations site_codes (1x3 int array): MPC codes of observation sites Returns: R (1x3 array): cartesian position vectors (observer wrt Sun) Ea_hc_pos (1x3 array): cartesian position vectors (Earth wrt Sun) """ # astronomical unit in km Ea_hc_pos = np.array((np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)))) R = np.array((np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)))) # load MPC observatory data obsite1 = get_observatory_data(site_codes[0], mpc_observatories_data) obsite2 = get_observatory_data(site_codes[1], mpc_observatories_data) obsite3 = get_observatory_data(site_codes[2], mpc_observatories_data) # compute TDB instant of each observation t_jd1_tdb_val = obs_radec[0].obstime.tdb.jd t_jd2_tdb_val = obs_radec[1].obstime.tdb.jd t_jd3_tdb_val = obs_radec[2].obstime.tdb.jd Ea_jd1 = earth_ephemeris(t_jd1_tdb_val) Ea_jd2 = earth_ephemeris(t_jd2_tdb_val) Ea_jd3 = earth_ephemeris(t_jd3_tdb_val) Ea_hc_pos[0] = Ea_jd1/au Ea_hc_pos[1] = Ea_jd2/au Ea_hc_pos[2] = Ea_jd3/au R[0] = ( Ea_jd1 + observerpos_mpc(obsite1['Long'], obsite1['sin'], obsite1['cos'], obs_radec[0].obstime) )/au R[1] = ( Ea_jd2 + observerpos_mpc(obsite2['Long'], obsite2['sin'], obsite2['cos'], obs_radec[1].obstime) )/au R[2] = ( Ea_jd3 + observerpos_mpc(obsite3['Long'], obsite3['sin'], obsite3['cos'], obs_radec[2].obstime) )/au return R, Ea_hc_pos
[docs]def get_observer_pos_wrt_earth(sat_observatories_data, obs_radec, site_codes): """Compute position of observer at Earth's surface, with respect to the Earth, in equatorial frame, during 3 distinct instants. Args: sat_observatories_data (string): path to file containing COSPAR satellite tracking stations data. obs_radec (1x3 SkyCoord array): three rad/dec observations site_codes (1x3 int array): COSPAR codes of observation sites Returns: R (1x3 array): cartesian position vectors (observer wrt Earth) """ R = np.array((np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)))) # load MPC observatory data obsite1 = por.get_station_data(site_codes[0], sat_observatories_data) obsite2 = por.get_station_data(site_codes[1], sat_observatories_data) obsite3 = por.get_station_data(site_codes[2], sat_observatories_data) R[0] = observerpos_sat(obsite1['Latitude'], obsite1['Longitude'], obsite1['Elev'], obs_radec[0].obstime) R[1] = observerpos_sat(obsite2['Latitude'], obsite2['Longitude'], obsite2['Elev'], obs_radec[1].obstime) R[2] = observerpos_sat(obsite3['Latitude'], obsite3['Longitude'], obsite3['Elev'], obs_radec[2].obstime) return R
def gauss_method_get_velocity(r1, r2, r3, t1, t2, t3, r2_star=None): mu = mu_Earth tau1 = (t1 - t2) tau3 = (t3 - t2) #tau = (tau3 - tau1) if r2_star == None: r2_star = np.linalg.norm(r2) f1 = lagrangef(mu, r2_star, tau1) f3 = lagrangef(mu, r2_star, tau3) g1 = lagrangeg(mu, r2_star, tau1) g3 = lagrangeg(mu, r2_star, tau3) v2 = (-f3 * r1 + f1 * r3) / (f1 * g3 - f3 * g1) return v2
[docs]def gauss_method_core(obs_radec, obs_t, R, mu, r2_root_ind=0): """Perform core Gauss method. Args: obs_radec (1x3 SkyCoord array): three rad/dec observations obs_t (1x3 array): three times of observations R (1x3 array): three observer position vectors mu (float): gravitational parameter of center of attraction r2_root_ind (int): index of Gauss polynomial root Returns: r1 (1x3 array): estimated position at first observation r2 (1x3 array): estimated position at second observation r3 (1x3 array): estimated position at third observation v2 (1x3 array): estimated velocity at second observation D (3x3 array): auxiliary matrix rho1 (1x3 array): LOS vector at first observation rho2 (1x3 array): LOS vector at second observation rho3 (1x3 array): LOS vector at third observation tau1 (float): time interval from second to first observation tau3 (float): time interval from second to third observation f1 (float): estimated Lagrange's f function value at first observation g1 (float): estimated Lagrange's g function value at first observation f3 (float): estimated Lagrange's f function value at third observation g3 (float): estimated Lagrange's g function value at third observation rho_1_sr (float): estimated slant range at first observation rho_2_sr (float): estimated slant range at second observation rho_3_sr (float): estimated slant range at third observation """ # get Julian date of observations t1 = obs_t[0] t2 = obs_t[1] t3 = obs_t[2] # compute Line-Of-Sight (LOS) vectors rho1 = losvector(obs_radec[0].ra.rad, obs_radec[0].dec.rad) rho2 = losvector(obs_radec[1].ra.rad, obs_radec[1].dec.rad) rho3 = losvector(obs_radec[2].ra.rad, obs_radec[2].dec.rad) # compute time differences; make sure time units are consistent! tau1 = (t1-t2) tau3 = (t3-t2) tau = (tau3-tau1) p = np.array((np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)),np.zeros((3,)))) p[0] = np.cross(rho2, rho3) p[1] = np.cross(rho1, rho3) p[2] = np.cross(rho1, rho2) D0 =, p[0]) D = np.zeros((3,3)) for i in range(0,3): for j in range(0,3): D[i,j] =[i], p[j]) A = (-D[0,1]*(tau3/tau)+D[1,1]+D[2,1]*(tau1/tau))/D0 B = (D[0,1]*(tau3**2-tau**2)*(tau3/tau)+D[2,1]*(tau**2-tau1**2)*(tau1/tau))/(6*D0) E =[1], rho2) Rsub2p2 =[1], R[1]) a = -(A**2+2.0*A*E+Rsub2p2) b = -2.0*mu*B*(A+E) c = -(mu**2)*(B**2) #get all real, positive solutions to the Gauss polynomial gauss_poly_coeffs = np.zeros((9,)) gauss_poly_coeffs[0] = 1.0 gauss_poly_coeffs[2] = a gauss_poly_coeffs[5] = b gauss_poly_coeffs[8] = c gauss_poly_roots = np.roots(gauss_poly_coeffs) rt_indx = np.where( np.isreal(gauss_poly_roots) & (gauss_poly_roots >= 0.0) ) if len(rt_indx[0]) > 1: #-1:# print('WARNING: Gauss polynomial has more than 1 real, positive solution') print('gauss_poly_coeffs = ', gauss_poly_coeffs) print('gauss_poly_roots = ', gauss_poly_roots) print('len(rt_indx[0]) = ', len(rt_indx[0])) print('np.real(gauss_poly_roots[rt_indx[0]]) = ', np.real(gauss_poly_roots[rt_indx[0]])) print('r2_root_ind = ', r2_root_ind) r2_star = np.real(gauss_poly_roots[rt_indx[0][r2_root_ind]]) print('r2_star = ', r2_star) num1 = 6.0*(D[2,0]*(tau1/tau3) + D[1,0]*(tau/tau3))*(r2_star**3) + mu*D[2,0]*(tau**2-tau1**2)*(tau1/tau3) den1 = 6.0*(r2_star**3) + mu*(tau**2 - tau3**2) rho_1_sr = ((num1/den1) - D[0,0])/D0 rho_2_sr = A + (mu*B)/(r2_star**3) num3 = 6.0 * (D[0,2] * (tau3/tau1) - D[1,2]*(tau/tau1))*(r2_star**3) + mu*D[0,2]*(tau**2-tau3**2)*(tau3/tau1) den3 = 6.0 * (r2_star**3) + mu*(tau**2 - tau1**2) rho_3_sr = ((num3/den3) - D[2,2])/D0 r1 = R[0]+rho_1_sr*rho1 r2 = R[1]+rho_2_sr*rho2 r3 = R[2]+rho_3_sr*rho3 f1 = lagrangef(mu, r2_star, tau1) f3 = lagrangef(mu, r2_star, tau3) g1 = lagrangeg(mu, r2_star, tau1) g3 = lagrangeg(mu, r2_star, tau3) v2 = gauss_method_get_velocity(r1, r2, r3, t1, t2, t3, r2_star=r2_star) return r1, r2, r3, v2, D, rho1, rho2, rho3, tau1, tau3, f1, g1, f3, g3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr
[docs]def gauss_refinement(mu, tau1, tau3, r2, v2, atol, D, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, f_1, g_1, f_3, g_3): """Perform refinement of Gauss method. Args: mu (float): gravitational parameter of center of attraction tau1 (float): time interval from second to first observation tau3 (float): time interval from second to third observation r2 (1x3 array): estimated position at second observation v2 (1x3 array): estimated velocity at second observation atol (float): absolute tolerance of universal Kepler anomaly computation D (3x3 array): auxiliary matrix R (1x3 array): three observer position vectors rho1 (1x3 array): LOS vector at first observation rho2 (1x3 array): LOS vector at second observation rho3 (1x3 array): LOS vector at third observation f_1 (float): estimated Lagrange's f function value at first observation g_1 (float): estimated Lagrange's g function value at first observation f_3 (float): estimated Lagrange's f function value at third observation g_3 (float): estimated Lagrange's g function value at third observation Returns: r1 (1x3 array): updated position at first observation r2 (1x3 array): updated position at second observation r3 (1x3 array): updated position at third observation v2 (1x3 array): updated velocity at second observation rho_1_sr (float): updated slant range at first observation rho_2_sr (float): updated slant range at second observation rho_3_sr (float): updated slant range at third observation f_1_new (float): updated Lagrange's f function value at first observation g_1_new (float): updated Lagrange's g function value at first observation f_3_new (float): updated Lagrange's f function value at third observation g_3_new (float): updated Lagrange's g function value at third observation """ refinement_success = 1 xi1 = univkepler(tau1, r2[0], r2[1], r2[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], mu, iters=10, atol=atol) xi3 = univkepler(tau3, r2[0], r2[1], r2[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], mu, iters=10, atol=atol) if np.isnan(xi1) == True or np.isnan(xi3) == True: refinement_success = 0 return np.nan, r2, np.nan, v2, rho1, rho2, rho3, f_1, g_1, f_3, g_3, refinement_success r0_ = np.sqrt((r2[0]**2)+(r2[1]**2)+(r2[2]**2)) v20_ = (v2[0]**2)+(v2[1]**2)+(v2[2]**2) alpha0_ = (2.0/r0_)-(v20_/mu) z1_ = alpha0_*(xi1**2) f_1_new = (f_1+lagrangef_(xi1, z1_, r0_))/2 g_1_new = (g_1+lagrangeg_(tau1, xi1, z1_, mu))/2 z3_ = alpha0_*(xi3**2) f_3_new = (f_3+lagrangef_(xi3, z3_, r0_))/2 g_3_new = (g_3+lagrangeg_(tau3, xi3, z3_, mu))/2 denum = f_1_new*g_3_new-f_3_new*g_1_new if np.isinf(np.abs(denum)) == True: # one of the terms in denum became really big :( refinement_success = 0 return np.nan, r2, np.nan, v2, rho1, rho2, rho3, f_1, g_1, f_3, g_3, refinement_success c1_ = g_3_new/denum c3_ = -g_1_new/denum D0 =, np.cross(rho2, rho3)) rho_1_sr = (-D[0,0]+D[1,0]/c1_-D[2,0]*(c3_/c1_))/D0 rho_2_sr = (-c1_*D[0,1]+D[1,1]-c3_*D[2,1])/D0 rho_3_sr = (-D[0,2]*(c1_/c3_)+D[1,2]/c3_-D[2,2])/D0 r1 = R[0]+rho_1_sr*rho1 r2 = R[1]+rho_2_sr*rho2 r3 = R[2]+rho_3_sr*rho3 v2 = (-f_3_new*r1+f_1_new*r3)/denum return r1, r2, r3, v2, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, f_1_new, g_1_new, f_3_new, g_3_new, refinement_success
[docs]def gauss_estimate_mpc(mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, inds, r2_root_ind=0): """Gauss method implementation for MPC Near-Earth asteroids ra/dec tracking data. Args: mpc_object_data (string): path to MPC-formatted observation data file mpc_observatories_data (string): path to MPC observation sites data file inds (1x3 int array): indices of requested data r2_root_ind (int): index of selected Gauss polynomial root Returns: r1 (1x3 array): updated position at first observation r2 (1x3 array): updated position at second observation r3 (1x3 array): updated position at third observation v2 (1x3 array): updated velocity at second observation D (3x3 array): auxiliary matrix R (1x3 array): three observer position vectors rho1 (1x3 array): LOS vector at first observation rho2 (1x3 array): LOS vector at second observation rho3 (1x3 array): LOS vector at third observation tau1 (float): time interval from second to first observation tau3 (float): time interval from second to third observation f1 (float): Lagrange's f function value at first observation g1 (float): Lagrange's g function value at first observation f3 (float): Lagrange's f function value at third observation g3 (float): Lagrange's g function value at third observation Ea_hc_pos (1x3 array): cartesian position vectors (Earth wrt Sun) rho_1_sr (float): slant range at first observation rho_2_sr (float): slant range at second observation rho_3_sr (float): slant range at third observation obs_t (1x3 array): three times of observations """ # mu_Sun = 0.295912208285591100E-03 # Sun's G*m, au^3/day^2 mu = mu_Sun #"au3 / day2")).value # extract observations data obs_radec, obs_t, site_codes = get_observations_data(mpc_object_data, inds) # compute observer position vectors wrt Sun R, Ea_hc_pos = get_observer_pos_wrt_sun(mpc_observatories_data, obs_radec, site_codes) # perform core Gauss method r1, r2, r3, v2, D, rho1, rho2, rho3, tau1, tau3, f1, g1, f3, g3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr = \ gauss_method_core(obs_radec, obs_t, R, mu, r2_root_ind=r2_root_ind) return r1, r2, r3, v2, D, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, tau1, tau3,\ f1, g1, f3, g3, Ea_hc_pos, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, obs_t
# Implementation of Gauss method for IOD-formatted optical observations of Earth satellites
[docs]def gauss_estimate_sat(iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, inds, r2_root_ind=0): """Gauss method implementation for Earth-orbiting satellites ra/dec tracking data. Assumes observation data uses IOD format, with angle subformat 2. Args: iod_object_data (string): file path to sat tracking observation data of object sat_observatories_data (string): path to file containing COSPAR satellite tracking stations data. inds (1x3 int array): line numbers in data file to be processed r2_root_ind (int): index of selected Gauss polynomial root Returns: r1 (1x3 array): updated position at first observation r2 (1x3 array): updated position at second observation r3 (1x3 array): updated position at third observation v2 (1x3 array): updated velocity at second observation D (3x3 array): auxiliary matrix R (1x3 array): three observer position vectors rho1 (1x3 array): LOS vector at first observation rho2 (1x3 array): LOS vector at second observation rho3 (1x3 array): LOS vector at third observation tau1 (float): time interval from second to first observation tau3 (float): time interval from second to third observation f1 (float): Lagrange's f function value at first observation g1 (float): Lagrange's g function value at first observation f3 (float): Lagrange's f function value at third observation g3 (float): Lagrange's g function value at third observation rho_1_sr (float): slant range at first observation rho_2_sr (float): slant range at second observation rho_3_sr (float): slant range at third observation obs_t_jd (1x3 array): three Julian dates of observations """ # mu_Earth = 398600.435436 # Earth's G*m, km^3/seg^2 mu = mu_Earth # extract observations data obs_radec, obs_t, site_codes = get_observations_data_sat(iod_object_data, inds) obs_t_jd = np.array((obs_radec[0].obstime.jd, obs_radec[1].obstime.jd, obs_radec[2].obstime.jd)) # compute observer position vectors wrt Sun R = get_observer_pos_wrt_earth(sat_observatories_data, obs_radec, site_codes) # perform core Gauss method r1, r2, r3, v2, D, rho1, rho2, rho3, tau1, tau3, f1, g1, f3, g3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr = \ gauss_method_core(obs_radec, obs_t, R, mu, r2_root_ind=r2_root_ind) return r1, r2, r3, v2, D, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, tau1, tau3, f1, g1, f3, g3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, obs_t_jd
[docs]def gauss_iterator_sat(iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, inds, refiters=0, r2_root_ind=0): """Gauss method iterator for Earth-orbiting satellites ra/dec tracking data. Computes a first estimate of the orbit using gauss_estimate_sat function, and then refines this estimate using gauss_refinement. Assumes observation data file is IOD-formatted, with angle subformat 2. Args: iod_object_data (string): file path to sat tracking observation data of object sat_observatories_data (string): path to file containing COSPAR satellite tracking stations data. inds (1x3 int array): line numbers in data file to be processed refiters (int): number of refinement iterations to be performed r2_root_ind (int): index of selected Gauss polynomial root Returns: r1 (1x3 array): updated position at first observation r2 (1x3 array): updated position at second observation r3 (1x3 array): updated position at third observation v2 (1x3 array): updated velocity at second observation R (1x3 array): three observer position vectors rho1 (1x3 array): LOS vector at first observation rho2 (1x3 array): LOS vector at second observation rho3 (1x3 array): LOS vector at third observation rho_1_sr (float): slant range at first observation rho_2_sr (float): slant range at second observation rho_3_sr (float): slant range at third observation obs_t (1x3 array): times of observations """ # mu_Earth = 398600.435436 # Earth's G*m, km^3/seg^2 mu = mu_Earth r1_est, r2_est, r3_est, v2_est, D_est, R_est, rho1_est, rho2_est, rho3_est, tau1_est, tau3_est, f1_est, g1_est, f3_est, g3_est, rho_1_sr_est, rho_2_sr_est, rho_3_sr_est, obs_t_est = \ gauss_estimate_sat(iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, inds, r2_root_ind=r2_root_ind) r1, r2, r3, v2, D, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, tau1, tau3, f1, g1, f3, g3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, obs_t = \ r1_est, r2_est, r3_est, v2_est, D_est, R_est, rho1_est, rho2_est, rho3_est, tau1_est, tau3_est, f1_est, g1_est, f3_est, g3_est, rho_1_sr_est, rho_2_sr_est, rho_3_sr_est, obs_t_est # Apply refinement to Gauss' method, `refiters` iterations refinement_success = 0 for i in range(0,refiters): r1, r2, r3, v2, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, f1, g1, f3, g3, refinement_success = \ gauss_refinement(mu, tau1, tau3, r2, v2, 3e-14, D, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, f1, g1, f3, g3) if refinement_success == 1: # refinement worked return r1, r2, r3, v2, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, obs_t, refinement_success else: return r1_est, r2_est, r3_est, v2_est, R_est, rho1_est, rho2_est, rho3_est, rho_1_sr_est, rho_2_sr_est, rho_3_sr_est, obs_t_est, refinement_success
[docs]def gauss_iterator_mpc(mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, inds, refiters=0, r2_root_ind=0): """Gauss method iterator for minor planets ra/dec tracking data. Computes a first estimate of the orbit using gauss_estimate_sat function, and then refines this estimate using gauss_refinement. Assumes observation data file follows MPC format. Args: mpc_object_data (string): path to MPC-formatted observation data file mpc_observatories_data (string): path to MPC observation sites data file inds (1x3 int array): line numbers in data file to be processed refiters (int): number of refinement iterations to be performed r2_root_ind (int): index of selected Gauss polynomial root Returns: r1 (1x3 array): updated position at first observation r2 (1x3 array): updated position at second observation r3 (1x3 array): updated position at third observation v2 (1x3 array): updated velocity at second observation R (1x3 array): three observer position vectors rho1 (1x3 array): LOS vector at first observation rho2 (1x3 array): LOS vector at second observation rho3 (1x3 array): LOS vector at third observation rho_1_sr (float): slant range at first observation rho_2_sr (float): slant range at second observation rho_3_sr (float): slant range at third observation Ea_hc_pos (1x3 array): cartesian position vectors (Earth wrt Sun) obs_t (1x3 array): times of observations """ # mu_Sun = 0.295912208285591100E-03 # Sun's G*m, au^3/day^2 mu = mu_Sun #"au3 / day2")).value r1, r2, r3, v2, D, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, tau1, tau3, f1, g1, f3, g3, Ea_hc_pos, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, obs_t =\ gauss_estimate_mpc(mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, inds, r2_root_ind=r2_root_ind) # Apply refinement to Gauss' method, `refiters` iterations for i in range(0,refiters): r1, r2, r3, v2, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, f1, g1, f3, g3, refinement_success= \ gauss_refinement(mu, tau1, tau3, r2, v2, 3e-14, D, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, f1, g1, f3, g3) return r1, r2, r3, v2, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, Ea_hc_pos, obs_t
[docs]def radec_obs_vec_sat(inds, iod_object_data): """Compute vector of observed ra,dec values for satellite tracking data (IOD-formatted). Args: inds (int array): line numbers of data in file iod_object_data (ndarray): observation data Returns: rov (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec observed values """ rov = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) for i in range(len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data td = timedelta(hours=1.0*iod_object_data['hr'][indm1], minutes=1.0*iod_object_data['min'][indm1], seconds=(iod_object_data['sec'][indm1]+iod_object_data['msec'][indm1]/1000.0)) timeobs = Time( datetime(iod_object_data['yr'][indm1], iod_object_data['month'][indm1], iod_object_data['day'][indm1]) + td ) ra_ha = iod_object_data['right_ascension'][indm1] / 360.0 * 24.0 dec = iod_object_data['declination'][indm1] obs_t_ra_dec = SkyCoord(ra=ra_ha, dec=dec, unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs) rov[2*i-2], rov[2*i-1] = obs_t_ra_dec.ra.rad, obs_t_ra_dec.dec.rad return rov
[docs]def radec_res_vec_rov_sat(x, inds, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov): """Compute vector of observed minus computed (O-C) residuals for ra/dec Earth-orbiting satellite observations with pre-computed observed radec values vector. Assumes ra/dec observed values vector is contained in rov, and they are stored as rov = [ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ...]. Args: x (1x6 float array): set of orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) inds (int array): line numbers of data in file iod_object_data (ndarray): observation data sat_observatories_data (ndarray): satellite tracking stations data rov (1xlen(inds) float-like array): vector of observed ra/dec values Returns: rv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec (O-C) residuals. """ rv = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) for i in range(0,len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data td = timedelta(hours=1.0*iod_object_data['hr'][indm1], minutes=1.0*iod_object_data['min'][indm1], seconds=(iod_object_data['sec'][indm1]+iod_object_data['msec'][indm1]/1000.0)) timeobs = Time( datetime(iod_object_data['yr'][indm1], iod_object_data['month'][indm1], iod_object_data['day'][indm1]) + td ) site_code = iod_object_data['station'][indm1] obsite = por.get_station_data(site_code, sat_observatories_data) # object position wrt to Earth xyz_obj = orbel2xyz(timeobs.jd,'km3 / day2')).value, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]) # observer position wrt to Earth xyz_oe = observerpos_sat(obsite['Latitude'], obsite['Longitude'], obsite['Elev'], timeobs) # object position wrt observer (unnormalized LOS vector) rho_vec = xyz_obj - xyz_oe # compute normalized LOS vector rho_vec_norm = np.linalg.norm(rho_vec, ord=2) rho_vec_unit = rho_vec/rho_vec_norm # compute RA, Dec cosd_cosa = rho_vec_unit[0] cosd_sina = rho_vec_unit[1] sind = rho_vec_unit[2] # make sure computed RA (ra_comp) is always within [0.0, 2.0*np.pi] ra_comp = np.mod(np.arctan2(cosd_sina, cosd_cosa), 2.0*np.pi) dec_comp = np.arcsin(sind) #compute angle difference, taking always the smallest difference diff_ra = angle_diff_rad(rov[2*i-2], ra_comp) diff_dec = angle_diff_rad(rov[2*i-1], dec_comp) # store O-C residual into vector (O-C = "Observed minus Computed") rv[2*i-2], rv[2*i-1] = diff_ra, diff_dec return rv
# compute residuals vector for ra/dec observations; return observation times and residual vector # inds = obs_arr
[docs]def t_radec_res_vec_sat(x, inds, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov): """Compute vector of observed minus computed (O-C) residuals for ra/dec Earth-orbiting satellite observations with pre-computed observed radec values vector. Assumes ra/dec observed values vector is contained in rov, and they are stored as rov = [ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ...]. Args: x (1x6 float array): set of orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) inds (int array): line numbers of data in file iod_object_data (ndarray): observation data sat_observatories_data (ndarray): satellite tracking stations data rov (1xlen(inds) float-like array): vector of observed ra/dec values Returns: rv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec (O-C) residuals. tv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of observation times. """ rv = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) tv = np.zeros((len(inds))) for i in range(0,len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data td = timedelta(hours=1.0*iod_object_data['hr'][indm1], minutes=1.0*iod_object_data['min'][indm1], seconds=(iod_object_data['sec'][indm1]+iod_object_data['msec'][indm1]/1000.0)) timeobs = Time( datetime(iod_object_data['yr'][indm1], iod_object_data['month'][indm1], iod_object_data['day'][indm1]) + td ) t_jd = timeobs.jd site_code = iod_object_data['station'][indm1] obsite = por.get_station_data(site_code, sat_observatories_data) # object position wrt to Earth xyz_obj = orbel2xyz(t_jd,'km3 / day2')).value, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]) # observer position wrt to Earth xyz_oe = observerpos_sat(obsite['Latitude'], obsite['Longitude'], obsite['Elev'], timeobs) # object position wrt observer (unnormalized LOS vector) rho_vec = xyz_obj - xyz_oe # compute normalized LOS vector rho_vec_norm = np.linalg.norm(rho_vec, ord=2) rho_vec_unit = rho_vec/rho_vec_norm # compute RA, Dec cosd_cosa = rho_vec_unit[0] cosd_sina = rho_vec_unit[1] sind = rho_vec_unit[2] # make sure computed RA (ra_comp) is always within [0.0, 2.0*np.pi] ra_comp = np.mod(np.arctan2(cosd_sina, cosd_cosa), 2.0*np.pi) dec_comp = np.arcsin(sind) #compute angle difference, taking always the smallest difference diff_ra = angle_diff_rad(rov[2*i-2], ra_comp) diff_dec = angle_diff_rad(rov[2*i-1], dec_comp) # store O-C residual into vector (O-C = "Observed minus Computed") rv[2*i-2], rv[2*i-1] = diff_ra, diff_dec tv[i] = t_jd return tv, rv
# compute auxiliary vector of observed ra,dec values
[docs]def radec_obs_vec_mpc(inds, mpc_object_data): """Compute vector of observed ra,dec values for MPC tracking data. Args: inds (int array): line numbers of data in file mpc_object_data (ndarray): MPC observation data for object Returns: rov (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec observed values """ rov = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) for i in range(0,len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data timeobs = Time( datetime(mpc_object_data['yr'][indm1], mpc_object_data['month'][indm1], mpc_object_data['day'][indm1]) + timedelta(days=mpc_object_data['utc'][indm1]) ) obs_t_ra_dec = SkyCoord(mpc_object_data['radec'][indm1], unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs) rov[2*i-2], rov[2*i-1] = obs_t_ra_dec.ra.rad, obs_t_ra_dec.dec.rad return rov
# compute residuals vector for ra/dec observations with pre-computed observed radec values vector
[docs]def radec_res_vec_rov_mpc(x, inds, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, rov): """Compute vector of observed minus computed (O-C) residuals for ra/dec MPC-formatted observations of minor planets (asteroids, comets, etc.), with pre-computed observed radec values vector. Assumes ra/dec observed values vector is contained in rov, and they are stored as rov = [ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ...]. Args: x (1x6 float array): set of orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) inds (int array): line numbers of data in file mpc_object_data (ndarray): observation data mpc_observatories_data (ndarray): MPC observatories data rov (1xlen(inds) float-like array): vector of observed ra/dec values Returns: rv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec (O-C) residuals. """ rv = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) for i in range(0,len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data timeobs = Time( datetime(mpc_object_data['yr'][indm1], mpc_object_data['month'][indm1], mpc_object_data['day'][indm1]) + timedelta(days=mpc_object_data['utc'][indm1]) ) site_code = mpc_object_data['observatory'][indm1] obsite = get_observatory_data(site_code, mpc_observatories_data) # compute residuals radec_res = radec_residual_rov_mpc(x, timeobs, rov[2*i-2], rov[2*i-1], obsite['Long'], obsite['sin'], obsite['cos']) # assign residuals to ra/dec residuals vector rv[2*i-2], rv[2*i-1] = radec_res return rv
# compute residuals vector for ra/dec observations with pre-computed observed radec values vector; # return observation times and residual vector
[docs]def t_radec_res_vec_mpc(x, inds, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data): """Compute vector of observed minus computed (O-C) residuals for ra/dec MPC-formatted observations of minor planets (asteroids, comets, etc.), with pre-computed observed radec values vector. Assumes ra/dec observed values vector is contained in rov, and they are stored as rov = [ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ...]. Args: x (1x6 float array): set of orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) inds (int array): line numbers of data in file mpc_object_data (ndarray): observation data mpc_observatories_data (ndarray): MPC observatories data rov (1xlen(inds) float-like array): vector of observed ra/dec values Returns: rv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec (O-C) residuals. tv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of observation times. """ rv = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) tv = np.zeros((len(inds))) for i in range(0,len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data timeobs = Time( datetime(mpc_object_data['yr'][indm1], mpc_object_data['month'][indm1], mpc_object_data['day'][indm1]) + timedelta(days=mpc_object_data['utc'][indm1]) ) site_code = mpc_object_data['observatory'][indm1] obs_t_ra_dec = SkyCoord(mpc_object_data['radec'][indm1], unit=(uts.hourangle, uts.deg), obstime=timeobs) obsite = get_observatory_data(site_code, mpc_observatories_data) # compute residuals radec_res = radec_residual_mpc(x, obs_t_ra_dec, obsite['Long'], obsite['sin'], obsite['cos']) rv[2*i-2], rv[2*i-1] = radec_res # assign residuals to rd/dec residuals vector tv[i] = timeobs.tdb.jd return tv, rv
[docs]def gauss_method_mpc(filename, bodyname, obs_arr=None, r2_root_ind_vec=None, refiters=0, plot=True): """Gauss method high-level function for minor planets (asteroids, comets, etc.) orbit determination from MPC-formatted ra/dec tracking data. Roots of 8-th order Gauss polynomial are computed using np.roots function. Note that if `r2_root_ind_vec` is not specified by the user, then the first positive root returned by np.roots is used by default. Args: filename (string): path to MPC-formatted observation data file bodyname (string): user-defined name of minor planet obs_arr (int vector): line numbers in data file to be processed refiters (int): number of refinement iterations to be performed r2_root_ind_vec (1xlen(obs_arr) int array): indices of Gauss polynomial roots. plot (bool): if True, plots data. Returns: x (tuple): set of Keplerian orbital elements {(a, e, taup, omega, I, omega, T),t_vec[-1]} """ # load MPC data for a given NEA mpc_object_data = load_mpc_data(filename) #load MPC data of listed observatories (longitude, parallax constants C, S) mpc_observatories_data = load_mpc_observatories_data('../station_observatory_data/mpc_observatories.txt') #definition of the astronomical unit in km # au ='km')).value # Sun's G*m value # mu_Sun = 0.295912208285591100E-03 # au^3/day^2 mu = mu_Sun #"au3 / day2")).value # handle default behavior for obs_arr # load JPL DE432s ephemeris SPK kernel # 'de432s.bsp' is automatically loaded by astropy, via jplephem # 'de432s.bsp' is about 10MB in size and will be automatically downloaded if not present yet in astropy's cache # for more information, see astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris documentation print("") questions = [ inquirer.List('Ephemerides', message="Select ephemerides[de432s(default,small in size,faster)','de430(more precise)]:", choices=['de432s','de430'], ), ] answers = inquirer.prompt(questions) global x_ephem x_ephem=answers["Ephemerides"] solar_system_ephemeris.set(answers["Ephemerides"]) if obs_arr is None: obs_arr = list(range(1, len(mpc_object_data)+1)) #the total number of observations used nobs = len(obs_arr) # if r2_root_ind_vec was not specified, then use always the first positive root by default if r2_root_ind_vec is None: r2_root_ind_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,), dtype=int) #auxiliary arrays x_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) y_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) z_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) a_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) e_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) taup_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) I_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) W_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) w_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) n_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) x_Ea_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) y_Ea_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) z_Ea_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) t_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) # Speed of light constant c= 299792.458 print("Consider light propogation time?[y/n]") check=input() if(check!='y' and check!='n'): print("Invalid input.Exiting...\n") sys.exit() for j in range (0,nobs-2): # Apply Gauss method to three elements of data inds = [obs_arr[j]-1, obs_arr[j+1]-1, obs_arr[j+2]-1] print('Processing observation #', j) r1, r2, r3, v2, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, Ea_hc_pos, obs_t = \ gauss_iterator_mpc(mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, inds, refiters=refiters, r2_root_ind=r2_root_ind_vec[j]) # Consider light propagation time if(check=='y'): #print(obs_t[0]) #print(obs_t[1]) obs_t[0]= obs_t[0]-(rho_1_sr/c) obs_t[1]= obs_t[1]-(rho_2_sr/c) obs_t[2]= obs_t[2]-(rho_3_sr/c) #print(rho_1_sr) if j==0: t_vec[0] = obs_t[0] x_vec[0], y_vec[0], z_vec[0] = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, r1) x_Ea_vec[0], y_Ea_vec[0], z_Ea_vec[0] = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, earth_ephemeris(obs_t[0])/au) if j==nobs-3: t_vec[nobs-1] = obs_t[2] x_vec[nobs-1], y_vec[nobs-1], z_vec[nobs-1] = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, r3) x_Ea_vec[nobs-1], y_Ea_vec[nobs-1], z_Ea_vec[nobs-1] = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, earth_ephemeris(obs_t[2])/au) r2_eclip = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, r2) v2_eclip = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, v2) a_num = semimajoraxis(r2_eclip[0], r2_eclip[1], r2_eclip[2], v2_eclip[0], v2_eclip[1], v2_eclip[2], mu) e_num = eccentricity(r2_eclip[0], r2_eclip[1], r2_eclip[2], v2_eclip[0], v2_eclip[1], v2_eclip[2], mu) f_num = trueanomaly5(r2_eclip[0], r2_eclip[1], r2_eclip[2], v2_eclip[0], v2_eclip[1], v2_eclip[2], mu) n_num = meanmotion(mu, a_num) a_vec[j] = a_num e_vec[j] = e_num taup_vec[j] = taupericenter(obs_t[1], e_num, f_num, n_num) w_vec[j] = np.rad2deg( argperi(r2_eclip[0], r2_eclip[1], r2_eclip[2], v2_eclip[0], v2_eclip[1], v2_eclip[2], mu) ) I_vec[j] = np.rad2deg( inclination(r2_eclip[0], r2_eclip[1], r2_eclip[2], v2_eclip[0], v2_eclip[1], v2_eclip[2]) ) W_vec[j] = np.rad2deg( longascnode(r2_eclip[0], r2_eclip[1], r2_eclip[2], v2_eclip[0], v2_eclip[1], v2_eclip[2]) ) n_vec[j] = n_num t_vec[j+1] = obs_t[1] x_vec[j+1] = r2_eclip[0] y_vec[j+1] = r2_eclip[1] z_vec[j+1] = r2_eclip[2] Ea_hc_pos_eclip = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, Ea_hc_pos[1]) x_Ea_vec[j+1] = Ea_hc_pos_eclip[0] y_Ea_vec[j+1] = Ea_hc_pos_eclip[1] z_Ea_vec[j+1] = Ea_hc_pos_eclip[2] a_mean = np.mean(a_vec) #au e_mean = np.mean(e_vec) #dimensionless taup_mean = np.mean(taup_vec) #deg w_mean = np.mean(w_vec) #deg I_mean = np.mean(I_vec) #deg W_mean = np.mean(W_vec) #deg n_mean = np.mean(n_vec) #sec print('\n*** ORBIT DETERMINATION: GAUSS METHOD ***') print('Observational arc:') print('Number of observations: ', len(obs_arr)) print('First observation (UTC) : ', Time(t_vec[0], format='jd').iso) print('Last observation (UTC) : ', Time(t_vec[-1], format='jd').iso) print('\nAVERAGE ORBITAL ELEMENTS (ECLIPTIC, MEAN J2000.0): a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega, T') print('Semi-major axis (a): ', a_mean, 'au') print('Eccentricity (e): ', e_mean) # print('Time of pericenter passage (tau): ', Time(taup_mean, format='jd').iso, 'JDTDB') print('Pericenter distance (q): ', a_mean*(1.0-e_mean), 'au') print('Apocenter distance (Q): ', a_mean*(1.0+e_mean), 'au') print('Argument of pericenter (omega): ', w_mean, 'deg') print('Inclination (I): ', I_mean, 'deg') print('Longitude of Ascending Node (Omega): ', W_mean, 'deg') print('Orbital period (T): ', 2.0*np.pi/n_mean, 'days') # PLOT if plot: npoints = 500 # number of points in orbit theta_vec = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*np.pi, npoints) t_Ea_vec = np.linspace(t_vec[0], t_vec[-1], npoints) x_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) y_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) z_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) x_Ea_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) y_Ea_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) z_Ea_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) for i in range(0,npoints): x_orb_vec[i], y_orb_vec[i], z_orb_vec[i] = xyz_frame2(a_mean, e_mean, theta_vec[i], np.deg2rad(w_mean), np.deg2rad(I_mean), np.deg2rad(W_mean)) xyz_Ea_orb_vec_equat = earth_ephemeris(t_Ea_vec[i])/au xyz_Ea_orb_vec_eclip = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, xyz_Ea_orb_vec_equat) x_Ea_orb_vec[i], y_Ea_orb_vec[i], z_Ea_orb_vec[i] = xyz_Ea_orb_vec_eclip ax = plt.axes(aspect='auto', projection='3d') # Sun-centered orbits: Computed orbit and Earth's ax.scatter3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, color='yellow', label='Sun') ax.scatter3D(x_Ea_vec, y_Ea_vec, z_Ea_vec, color='blue', marker='.', label='Earth orbit') ax.plot3D(x_Ea_orb_vec, y_Ea_orb_vec, z_Ea_orb_vec, color='blue', linewidth=0.5) ax.scatter3D(x_vec, y_vec, z_vec, color='red', marker='+', label=bodyname+' orbit') ax.plot3D(x_orb_vec, y_orb_vec, z_orb_vec, 'red', linewidth=0.5) plt.legend() ax.set_xlabel('x (au)') ax.set_ylabel('y (au)') ax.set_zlabel('z (au)') xy_plot_abs_max = np.max((np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_xlim())), np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_ylim())))) ax.set_xlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_ylim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_zlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.04,0.5)) #, ncol=3) ax.set_title('Angles-only orbit determ. (Gauss): '+bodyname) return a_mean, e_mean, taup_mean, w_mean, I_mean, W_mean, 2.0*np.pi/n_mean,t_vec[-1]
[docs]def gauss_method_sat_passes(filename, obs_arr=None, bodyname=None, r2_root_ind_vec=None, refiters=10, plot=False): """Gauss method high-level function for orbit determination of Earth satellites from IOD-formatted ra/dec tracking data. Roots of 8-th order Gauss polynomial are computed using np.roots function. Note that if `r2_root_ind_vec` is not specified by the user, then the first positive root returned by np.roots is used by default. Args: filename (string): path to IOD-formatted observation data file obs_arr (int vector): line numbers in data file to be processed bodyname (string): user-defined name of satellite refiters (int): number of refinement iterations to be performed r2_root_ind_vec (1xlen(obs_arr) int array): indices of Gauss polynomial roots. plot (bool): if True, plots data. Returns: x (tuple): set of Keplerian orbital elements {(a, e, taup, omega, I, omega, T),t_vec[-1]} """ # load IOD data for a given satellite iod_object_data = por.load_iod_data(filename) # handle default behavior for obs_arr if obs_arr is None: obs_arr = list(range(1, len(iod_object_data)+1)) # the total number of observations used nobs = len(obs_arr) # get object name if bodyname is None: bodyname = iod_object_data['object'][obs_arr[0]-1].decode() #load data of listed observatories (longitude, latitude, elevation) sat_observatories_data = por.load_sat_observatories_data('../station_observatory_data/sat_tracking_observatories.txt') # Earth's G*m value mu = mu_Earth # if r2_root_ind_vec was not specified, then use always the first positive root by default if r2_root_ind_vec is None: r2_root_ind_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,), dtype=int) counter_process = 0 sequence = np.zeros(nobs) groupmark = 1 # #auxiliary arrays x_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) y_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) z_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) a_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) e_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) taup_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) I_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) W_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) w_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) n_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,)) t_vec = np.zeros((nobs,)) # Speed of light constant c= 299792.458 print("Consider light propogation time?[y/n]") check=input() if(check!='y' and check!='n'): print("Invalid input.Exiting...\n") sys.exit() for j in range (0,nobs-2): # Apply Gauss method to three elements of data inds = [obs_arr[j]-1, obs_arr[j+1]-1, obs_arr[j+2]-1] print('Processing observation #', j) r1, r2, r3, v2, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, obs_t, refinement_success= \ gauss_iterator_sat(iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, inds, refiters=refiters, r2_root_ind=r2_root_ind_vec[j]) # Consider light propagation time if(check=='y'): #print(obs_t[0]) #print(obs_t[1]) obs_t[0]= obs_t[0]-(rho_1_sr/c) obs_t[1]= obs_t[1]-(rho_2_sr/c) obs_t[2]= obs_t[2]-(rho_3_sr/c) #print(rho_1_sr) if j==0: t_vec[0] = obs_t[0] x_vec[0] = r1[0] y_vec[0] = r1[1] z_vec[0] = r1[2] if j==nobs-3: t_vec[nobs-1] = obs_t[2] x_vec[nobs-1] = r3[0] y_vec[nobs-1] = r3[1] z_vec[nobs-1] = r3[2] # storing all solutions now # todo: checking if solutions with radii inside the earth surface can be filtered out? # todo: checking if solutuins with v2 velocities higher than escape velocities of earth can be filtered out? dt1 = (obs_t[1] - obs_t[0]) * 24.0 * 3600.0 dt2 = (obs_t[2] - obs_t[1]) * 24.0 * 3600.0 state = oe.orbital_parameters() state.get_orbital_elemts_from_statevector(r2, v2) if state.T_orbitperiod > dt1 and state.T_orbitperiod > dt2: sequence[j+0] = groupmark sequence[j+1] = groupmark sequence[j+2] = groupmark print("T_period", state.T_orbitperiod) v1_lamberts, v2_lamberts, ratio = lm.lamberts_method(r1, r2, dt1) print(dt1, dt2, v2, v2_lamberts) # getting orbital elements, but only for one vector. # there are more vectors when using the result of gauss method. they can be used as well. state.get_orbital_elemts_from_statevector(r2, v2_lamberts) print("T_period", state.T_orbitperiod) print("incl", state.inclination * 180.0 / np.pi) print("raan", state.raan * 180.0 / np.pi) print("ecce", state.eccentricity) print("AoP", state.AoP * 180.0 / np.pi) print("mean anomaly", state.mean_anomaly * 180.0 / np.pi) print("mean motion", state.n_mean_motion_perday) else: groupmark += 1 counter_process += 1 seq_start = [0] for i in range(len(sequence)-1): if sequence[i] != sequence[i+1]: seq_start.append(i+1) obs_arr_seq = [] for i in range(len(seq_start)): if sequence[seq_start[i]] != 0: obs_arr = [] j = 0 b4 = sequence[seq_start[i] + j] while sequence[seq_start[i] + j] == b4 and seq_start[i] + j < len(sequence)-1: obs_arr.append(seq_start[i] + j + 1) b4 = sequence[seq_start[i] + j] j += 1 if seq_start[i] + j == len(sequence)-1 and sequence[seq_start[i] + j] == b4: obs_arr.append(seq_start[i] + j +1) obs_arr_seq.append(obs_arr) return obs_arr_seq
[docs]def gauss_method_sat(filename, obs_arr=None, bodyname=None, r2_root_ind_vec=None, refiters=0, plot=True): """Gauss method high-level function for orbit determination of Earth satellites from IOD-formatted ra/dec tracking data. IOD angle subformat 2 is assumed. Roots of 8-th order Gauss polynomial are computed using np.roots function. Note that if `r2_root_ind_vec` is not specified by the user, then the first positive root returned by np.roots is used by default. Args: filename (string): path to IOD-formatted observation data file obs_arr (int vector): line numbers in data file to be processed bodyname (string): user-defined name of satellite refiters (int): number of refinement iterations to be performed r2_root_ind_vec (1xlen(obs_arr) int array): indices of Gauss polynomial roots. plot (bool): if True, plots data. Returns: x (tuple): set of Keplerian orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, omega, T) """ # load IOD data for a given satellite iod_object_data = por.load_iod_data(filename) # handle default behavior for obs_arr if obs_arr is None: obs_arr = list(range(1, len(iod_object_data)+1)) # #the total number of observations used nobs = len(obs_arr) # get object name if bodyname is None: bodyname = iod_object_data['object'][obs_arr[0]-1].decode() #load data of listed observatories (longitude, latitude, elevation) sat_observatories_data = por.load_sat_observatories_data('../station_observatory_data/sat_tracking_observatories.txt') # Earth's G*m value mu = mu_Earth # if r2_root_ind_vec was not specified, then use always the first positive root by default if r2_root_ind_vec is None: r2_root_ind_vec = np.zeros((nobs-2,), dtype=int) counter_process = 0 index = [] radius = [] velocity = [] inclination = [] raan = [] eccentricity = [] AoP = [] mean_anomaly = [] n_mean_motion_perday = [] T_orbitperiod = [] for j in range(0, nobs - 2): # Apply Gauss method to three elements of data inds = [obs_arr[j] - 1, obs_arr[j + 1] - 1, obs_arr[j + 2] - 1] print('Processing observation #', counter_process) r1, r2, r3, v2, R, rho1, rho2, rho3, rho_1_sr, rho_2_sr, rho_3_sr, obs_t, refinement_success = \ gauss_iterator_sat(iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, inds, refiters=refiters, r2_root_ind=r2_root_ind_vec[j]) # storing all solutions now # todo: checking if solutions with radii inside the earth surface can be filtered out? # todo: checking if solutuins with v2 velocities higher than escape velocities of earth can be filtered out? dt1 = (obs_t[1] - obs_t[0]) * 24.0 * 3600.0 dt2 = (obs_t[2] - obs_t[1]) * 24.0 * 3600.0 state = oe.orbital_parameters() state.get_orbital_elemts_from_statevector(r2, v2) if state.T_orbitperiod > dt1 and state.T_orbitperiod > dt2: print("T_period", state.T_orbitperiod) # getting orbital elements, but only for one vector. # there are more vectors when using the result of gauss method. they can be used as well. print() state_radius = np.zeros((3,3)) state_velocity = np.zeros((3,3)) state_inclination = np.zeros(3) state_raan = np.zeros(3) state_eccentricity = np.zeros(3) state_AoP = np.zeros(3) state_mean_anomaly = np.zeros(3) state_n_mean_motion_perday = np.zeros(3) state_T_orbitperiod = np.zeros(3) v1_lamberts, v2_lamberts, ratio = lm.lamberts_method(r1, r2, dt1) state.get_orbital_elemts_from_statevector(r1, v1_lamberts) print("v1", v1_lamberts, dt1) state_radius[0] = r1 state_velocity[0] = v1_lamberts state_inclination[0] = state.inclination * 180.0 / np.pi state_raan[0] = state.raan * 180.0 / np.pi state_eccentricity[0] = state.eccentricity state_AoP[0] = state.AoP * 180.0 / np.pi state_mean_anomaly[0] = state.mean_anomaly * 180.0 / np.pi state_n_mean_motion_perday[0] = state.n_mean_motion_perday state_T_orbitperiod[0] = state.T_orbitperiod state.get_orbital_elemts_from_statevector(r2, v2_lamberts) print("v2", v2_lamberts, dt1) state_radius[1] = r2 state_velocity[1] = v2_lamberts state_inclination[1] = state.inclination * 180.0 / np.pi state_raan[1] = state.raan * 180.0 / np.pi state_eccentricity[1] = state.eccentricity state_AoP[1] = state.AoP * 180.0 / np.pi state_mean_anomaly[1] = state.mean_anomaly * 180.0 / np.pi state_n_mean_motion_perday[1] = state.n_mean_motion_perday state_T_orbitperiod[1] = state.T_orbitperiod v2_lamberts, v3_lamberts, ratio = lm.lamberts_method(r2, r3, dt2) state.get_orbital_elemts_from_statevector(r2, v2_lamberts) print("v2", v2_lamberts, dt2) state_velocity[1] = (state_velocity[1] + v2_lamberts) / 2.0 state_inclination[1] = (state_inclination[1] + state.inclination * 180.0 / np.pi) / 2.0 state_raan[1] = (state_raan[1] + state.raan * 180.0 / np.pi) / 2.0 state_eccentricity[1] = (state_eccentricity[1] + state.eccentricity) / 2.0 state_AoP[1] = (state_AoP[1] + state.AoP * 180.0 / np.pi) / 2.0 state_mean_anomaly[1] = (state_mean_anomaly[1] + state.mean_anomaly * 180.0 / np.pi) / 2.0 state_n_mean_motion_perday[1] = (state_n_mean_motion_perday[1] + state.n_mean_motion_perday) / 2.0 state_T_orbitperiod[1] = (state_T_orbitperiod[1] + state.T_orbitperiod) / 2.0 state.get_orbital_elemts_from_statevector(r3, v3_lamberts) print("v3", v3_lamberts, dt2) state_radius[2] = r3 state_velocity[2] = v3_lamberts state_inclination[2] = state.inclination * 180.0 / np.pi state_raan[2] = state.raan * 180.0 / np.pi state_eccentricity[2] = state.eccentricity state_AoP[2] = state.AoP * 180.0 / np.pi state_mean_anomaly[2] = state.mean_anomaly * 180.0 / np.pi state_n_mean_motion_perday[2] = state.n_mean_motion_perday state_T_orbitperiod[2] = state.T_orbitperiod # filling to the result lists index.append(inds) radius.append(state_radius) velocity.append(state_velocity) inclination.append(state_inclination) raan.append(state_raan) eccentricity.append(state_eccentricity) AoP.append(state_AoP) mean_anomaly.append(state_mean_anomaly) n_mean_motion_perday.append(state_n_mean_motion_perday) T_orbitperiod.append(state_T_orbitperiod) counter_process += 1 # PLOT if plot: x_vec = [] y_vec = [] z_vec = [] for n in range(len(radius)): if n == 0: x_vec.append(radius[n][0][0]) y_vec.append(radius[n][0][1]) z_vec.append(radius[n][0][2]) x_vec.append(radius[n][1][0]) y_vec.append(radius[n][1][1]) z_vec.append(radius[n][1][2]) if n == len(radius)-1: x_vec.append(radius[n][2][0]) y_vec.append(radius[n][2][1]) z_vec.append(radius[n][2][2]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Earth-centered orbits: satellite orbit and geocenter ax.scatter3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, color='blue', label='Earth') ax.scatter3D(x_vec, y_vec, z_vec, color='red', marker='+', label=bodyname + ' orbit') plt.legend() ax.set_xlabel('x (km)') ax.set_ylabel('y (km)') ax.set_zlabel('z (km)') xy_plot_abs_max = np.max((np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_xlim())), np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_ylim())))) ax.set_xlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_ylim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_zlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 0.5)) # , ncol=3) ax.set_title('Angles-only orbit determ. (Gauss): ' + bodyname) return index, radius, velocity, inclination, raan, eccentricity, AoP, mean_anomaly, n_mean_motion_perday,\ T_orbitperiod
# TODO: evaluate Earth ephemeris only once for a given TDB instant # this implies saving all UTC times and their TDB equivalencies # TODO: allow user to specify ephemerides; currently de432s is always used def read_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f', '--file_path', type=str, help="path to IOD-formatted data file", default='../example_data/SATOBS-ML-19200716.txt') parser.add_argument('-o', '--obs_array', help="list of lines in file to be read", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('-b', '--body_name', type=str, help="observed object/body name", default=None) parser.add_argument('-r', '--root_index', nargs='*', help="user selection for multiple roots of Gauss polynomial (see docs for more information)", default=None) parser.add_argument('-i', '--iterations', type=int, help="number of iterations of Gauss method refinement", default=0) parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot', default=True, type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == 'true')) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": args = read_args() if args.obs_array is None: gauss_method_sat(args.file_path, bodyname=args.body_name, r2_root_ind_vec=args.root_index, refiters=args.iterations, plot=args.plot) else: obs_arr = [int(item) for item in args.obs_array.split(',')] gauss_method_sat(args.file_path, obs_arr=obs_arr, bodyname=args.body_name, r2_root_ind_vec=args.root_index, refiters=args.iterations, plot=args.plot)