Source code for orbitdeterminator.kep_determination.interpolation

Interpolation using splines for calculating velocity at a point and hence the orbital elements
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

from util import (state_kep, read_data)

[docs]def cubic_spline(orbit_data): ''' Compute component wise cubic spline of points of input data Args: orbit_data (numpy array): array of orbit data points of the format [time, x, y, z] Returns: list: component wise cubic splines of orbit data points of the format [spline_x, spline_y, spline_z] ''' time = orbit_data[:,:1] coordinates = list([orbit_data[:,1:2], orbit_data[:,2:3], orbit_data[:,3:4]]) splines = list(map(lambda a:CubicSpline(time.ravel(),a.ravel()), coordinates)) return splines
[docs]def compute_velocity(spline, point): ''' Calculate the derivative of spline at the point(on the points the given spline corresponds to). This gives the velocity at that point. Args: spline (list): component wise cubic splines of orbit data points of the format [spline_x, spline_y, spline_z]. point (numpy array): point at which velocity is to be calculated. Returns: numpy array: velocity vector at the given point ''' velocity = list(map(lambda s, x:s(x, 1), spline, point)) return np.array(velocity)
[docs]def main(data_points): ''' Apply the whole process of interpolation for keplerian element computation Args: data_points (numpy array): positional data set in format of (time, x, y, z) Returns: numpy array: computed keplerian elements for every point of the orbit ''' velocity_vectors = [] keplerians = [] #for index in range(len(data_points)-1): for index in range(0, min(100, len(data_points) - 1)): # Take a pair of points from data_points spline_input = data_points[index:index+2] # Calculate spline corresponding to these two points spline = cubic_spline(spline_input) # Calculate velocity corresponding 1st of the 2 points of spline_input velocity = compute_velocity(spline, spline_input[0:,1:4][0]) # Calculate keplerian elements correspong to the state vector(position, velocity) orbital_elements = state_kep.state_kep(spline_input[0:,1:4][0], velocity) velocity_vectors.append(velocity) keplerians.append(orbital_elements) # Uncomment the below statement to save the velocity vectors in a csv file. # np.savetxt('velo.csv', velocity_vectors, delimiter=",") # Take average of the keplerian elements corresponding to all the state vectors # orbit = np.array(keplerians).mean(axis=0) keplerians = np.asarray(keplerians) return keplerians
# # if __name__ == "__main__": # # main()