Source code for orbitdeterminator.kep_determination.lamberts_kalman

Takes a positional data set and produces sets of six keplerian elements
using Lambert's solution for preliminary orbit determination and Kalman filters

import sys
import os.path
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))
from util import state_kep
import numpy as np
import kep_determination.lamberts_method as lm

[docs]def orbit_trajectory(x1_new, x2_new, time): ''' Tool for checking if the motion of the sallite is retrogade or counter - clock wise Args: x1 (numpy array): time and position for point 1 [time1,x1,y1,z1] x2 (numpy array): time and position for point 2 [time2,x2,y2,z2] time (float): time difference between the 2 points Returns: bool: true if we want to keep retrograde, False if we want counter-clock wise ''' #l = pkp.lambert_problem(x1_new, x2_new, time, 398600.4405, False, 0) # # progreade or retrograde orbit determination # in lambert_problem solver from PyKep, another baheviour is used. # there, unrealistic kepler parameters like negative semimajor axis are used to exclude the result. # in our version we now compare the behaviour in finding the better result v1_true, v2_true, ratio_true = lm.lamberts_method(x1_new, x2_new, time, True) v1_false, v2_false, ratio_false = lm.lamberts_method(x1_new, x2_new, time, False) # finding out if orbit is clockwise or counter-clockwise. # sole criterion: what has the best residual behaviour. # it looks like the right setting gets the results faster (after a few iterations n the tolerance tol is reached) traj = True if ratio_false < ratio_true: traj = False return traj
[docs]def check_keplerian(kep): ''' Checks all the sets of keplerian elements to see if they have wrong values like eccentricity greater that 1 or a negative number for semi major axis Args: kep(numpy array): all the sets of keplerian elements in [semi major axis (a), eccentricity (e), inclination (i), argument of perigee (ω), right ascension of the ascending node (Ω), true anomaly (v)] format Returns: numpy array: the final corrected set of keplerian elements that will be inputed in the kalman filter ''' kep_new = list() for i in range(0, len(kep)): if kep[i, 3] < 0.0: kep[i, 3] = 360 + kep[i, 3] elif kep[i, 4] < 0.0: kep[i, 4] = 360 + kep[i, 4] if kep[i, 1] > 1.0: pass elif kep[i, 0] < 0.0: pass else: kep_new.append(kep[i, :]) kep_final = np.asarray(kep_new) return kep_final
[docs]def create_kep(my_data): ''' Computes all the keplerian elements for every point of the orbit you provide using Lambert's solution It implements a tool for deleting all the points that give extremely jittery state vectors Args: data(numpy array) : contains the positional data set in (Time, x, y, z) Format Returns: numpy array: array containing all the keplerian elements computed for the orbit given in [semi major axis (a), eccentricity (e), inclination (i), argument of perigee (ω), right ascension of the ascending node (Ω), true anomaly (v)] format ''' v_hold = np.zeros((len(my_data), 3)) # v_abs1 = np.empty([len(my_data)]) x1_new = [1, 1, 1] x1_new[:] = my_data[0, 1:4] x2_new = [1, 1, 1] x2_new[:] = my_data[1, 1:4] time = my_data[1, 0] - my_data[0, 0] traj = orbit_trajectory(x1_new, x2_new, time) v1, v2, ratio = lm.lamberts_method(x1_new, x2_new, time, traj) v_hold[0] = v1 # Produce all the 2 consecutive pairs and find the velocity with lamberts() method for i in range(1, (len(my_data) - 1)): j = i + 1 x1_new = [1, 1, 1] x1_new[:] = my_data[i, 1:4] x2_new = [1, 1, 1] x2_new[:] = my_data[j, 1:4] time = my_data[j, 0] - my_data[i, 0] v1, v2, ratio = lm.lamberts_method(x1_new, x2_new, time, traj) v_hold[i] = v1 # compute the absolute value of the velocity vector for every point # v_abs1[i] = (v1[0] ** 2 + v1[1] ** 2 + v1[2] ** 2) ** (0.5) # If the value of v_abs(i) > v_abs(0) * 10, then we dont keep that value v(i) because it is propably a bad jiitery product # if v_abs1[i] > (10 * v_abs1[0]): # v_hold[i] = v1 # else: # v_hold[i] = v1 # we know have lots of [0, 0, 0] inside our numpy array v(vx, vy, vz) and we dont want them because they produce a bug # when we'll try to transform these products to keplerian elements bo = list() store_i = list() for i in range(0, len(v_hold)): bo.append(np.all(v_hold[i, :] == 0.0)) for i in range(0, len(v_hold)): if bo[i] == False: store_i.append(i) # keeping only the rows with values and throwing all the [0, 0, 0] arrays final_v = np.zeros((len(store_i), 3)) j = 0 for i in store_i: final_v[j] = (v_hold[i]) j += 1 # collecting the position vector r(x ,y, z) that come along with the velocities kept above final_r = np.zeros((len(store_i), 3)) j = 0 for i in store_i: final_r[j] = my_data[i, 1:4] j += 1 # finally we transform the state vectors = position vectors + velocity vectors into keplerian elements kep = np.zeros((len(store_i), 6)) for i in range(0, len(final_r)): kep[i] = np.ravel(state_kep.state_kep(final_r[i], final_v[i])) kep = check_keplerian(kep) return kep
# find the mean value of all keplerian elements set and then do a kalman filtering to find the best fit
[docs]def kalman(kep, R): ''' Takes as an input lots of sets of keplerian elements and produces the fitted value of them by applying kalman filters Args: kep(numpy array): containing keplerian elements in this format (a, e, i, ω, Ω, v) R : estimate of measurement variance Returns: numpy array: final set of keplerian elements describing the orbit based on kalman filtering ''' # the mean value will be selected as the initial guess x_final = np.zeros((1, 6)) n_iter = len(kep) for i in range(0, 6): # intial parameters sz = n_iter # size of array Q = 1e-8 # process variance xhat = 0.0 # a posteri estimate of x P = 0.0 # a posteri error estimate xhatminus = 0.0 # a priori estimate of x Pminus = 0.0 # a priori error estimate K = 0.0 # gain or blending factor # intial guesses try: xhat = np.mean(kep[:, i]) except IndexError as err: print('Error: {0} \n ** Switching units to metres might help **'.format(err)) quit() P = 1.0 for k in range(1, n_iter): # time update xhatminus = xhat Pminus = P + Q # measurement update K = Pminus / (Pminus + R) xhat = xhatminus + K * (kep[k, i] - xhatminus) P = (1 - K) * Pminus x_final[0, i] = xhat return x_final