Source code for orbitdeterminator.kep_determination.least_squares

"""Computes the least-squares optimal Keplerian elements for a sequence of
   cartesian position observations.

# # write function to compute range as a function of orbital elements: DONE
# # write function to compute true anomaly as a function of time-of-fly: DONE
# # the following transformation is needed: from time t, to mean anomaly M,
# # to eccentric anomaly E, to true anomaly f, i.e.:
# # t -> M=n*(t-taup) -> M=E-e*sin(E) (invert) ->
# # -> f = 2*atan(  sqrt((1+e)/(1-e))*tan(E/2)  ): DONE
# # write function which takes observed values and computes the difference wrt expected-to-be-observed values as a function of unknown orbital elements (to be fitted): DONE
# # compute Q as a function of unknown orbital elements (to be fitted): DONE
# # optimize Q -> return fitted orbital elements (requires an ansatz: take input from minimalistic Gibb's?)

# NOTES to self:
# matrix multiplication of numpy's 2-D arrays is done through `np.matmul`

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import sys
import os
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))
from kep_determination.ellipse_fit import determine_kep, __read_file
from kep_determination.gauss_method import *
import kep_determination.positional_observation_reporting as por

# compute residuals vector, with Earth's grav parameter as to-be-fitted variable
def res_vec(x, my_data,weights):
    rv = np.zeros((3*my_data.shape[0]))
    for i in range(0,my_data.shape[0]-1):
        # observed xyz values
        xyz_obs = my_data[i,1:4]
        # predicted )computed xyz values
        xyz_com = orbel2xyz(my_data[i,0], x[6], x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5])
        # observed minus computed residual:
        rv[3*i-3] = xyz_obs[0]-xyz_com[0]
        rv[3*i-2] = xyz_obs[1]-xyz_com[1]
        rv[3*i-1] = xyz_obs[2]-xyz_com[2]

        rv[3*i-3] = weights[i]*rv[3*i-3]
        rv[3*i-2] = weights[i]*rv[3*i-2]
        rv[3*i-1] = weights[i]*rv[3*i-1]
    return rv

def res_vec_1(x, my_data):
    rv = np.zeros((3*my_data.shape[0]))
    for i in range(0,my_data.shape[0]-1):
        # observed xyz values
        xyz_obs = my_data[i,1:4]
        # predicted )computed xyz values
        xyz_com = orbel2xyz(my_data[i,0], x[6], x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5])
        # observed minus computed residual:
        rv[3*i-3] = xyz_obs[0]-xyz_com[0]
        rv[3*i-2] = xyz_obs[1]-xyz_com[1]
        rv[3*i-1] = xyz_obs[2]-xyz_com[2]
    return rv

[docs]def get_weights(resid): """ This function calculates the weights per (x,y,z) by using the inverse of the squared residuals divided by the total sum of the inverse of the squared residuals. """ total = sum([abs(resid[i]) for i in range(len(resid))]) fract = np.array([resid[i]/total for i in range(len(resid))]) return fract
[docs]def radec_res_vec_rov_sat_w(x, inds, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov, weights): """Compute vector of observed minus computed (O-C) weighted residuals for ra/dec Earth-orbiting satellite observations with pre-computed observed radec values vector. Assumes ra/dec observed values vector is contained in rov, and they are stored as rov = [ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ...]. Args: x (1x6 float array): set of orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) inds (int array): line numbers of data in file iod_object_data (ndarray): observation data sat_observatories_data (ndarray): satellite tracking stations data rov (1xlen(inds) float-like array): vector of observed ra/dec values Returns: rv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec weighted (O-C) residuals. """ rv = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) for i in range(0,len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data td = timedelta(hours=1.0*iod_object_data['hr'][indm1], minutes=1.0*iod_object_data['min'][indm1], seconds=(iod_object_data['sec'][indm1]+iod_object_data['msec'][indm1]/1000.0)) timeobs = Time( datetime(iod_object_data['yr'][indm1], iod_object_data['month'][indm1], iod_object_data['day'][indm1]) + td ) site_code = iod_object_data['station'][indm1] obsite = por.get_station_data(site_code, sat_observatories_data) # object position wrt to Earth xyz_obj = orbel2xyz(timeobs.jd,'km3 / day2')).value, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]) # observer position wrt to Earth xyz_oe = observerpos_sat(obsite['Latitude'], obsite['Longitude'], obsite['Elev'], timeobs) # object position wrt observer (unnormalized LOS vector) rho_vec = xyz_obj - xyz_oe # compute normalized LOS vector rho_vec_norm = np.linalg.norm(rho_vec, ord=2) rho_vec_unit = rho_vec/rho_vec_norm # compute RA, Dec cosd_cosa = rho_vec_unit[0] cosd_sina = rho_vec_unit[1] sind = rho_vec_unit[2] # make sure computed RA (ra_comp) is always within [0.0, 2.0*np.pi] ra_comp = np.mod(np.arctan2(cosd_sina, cosd_cosa), 2.0*np.pi) dec_comp = np.arcsin(sind) #compute angle difference, taking always the smallest difference diff_ra = angle_diff_rad(rov[2*i-2], ra_comp) diff_dec = angle_diff_rad(rov[2*i-1], dec_comp) # store O-C residual into vector (O-C = "Observed minus Computed") rv[2*i-2], rv[2*i-1] = diff_ra, diff_dec rv[2*i-2]= weights[i]*rv[2*i-2] rv[2*i-1]= weights[i]*rv[2*i-1] return rv
[docs]def radec_res_vec_rov_mpc_w(x, inds, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, rov, weights): """Compute vector of observed minus computed weighted (O-C) residuals for ra/dec MPC-formatted observations of minor planets (asteroids, comets, etc.), with pre-computed observed radec values vector. Assumes ra/dec observed values vector is contained in rov, and they are stored as rov = [ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ...]. Args: x (1x6 float array): set of orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega) inds (int array): line numbers of data in file mpc_object_data (ndarray): observation data mpc_observatories_data (ndarray): MPC observatories data rov (1xlen(inds) float-like array): vector of observed ra/dec values Returns: rv (1xlen(inds) array): vector of ra/dec (O-C) residuals. """ rv = np.zeros((2*len(inds))) for i in range(0,len(inds)): indm1 = inds[i]-1 # extract observations data timeobs = Time( datetime(mpc_object_data['yr'][indm1], mpc_object_data['month'][indm1], mpc_object_data['day'][indm1]) + timedelta(days=mpc_object_data['utc'][indm1]) ) site_code = mpc_object_data['observatory'][indm1] obsite = get_observatory_data(site_code, mpc_observatories_data) # compute residuals radec_res = radec_residual_rov_mpc(x, timeobs, rov[2*i-2], rov[2*i-1], obsite['Long'], obsite['sin'], obsite['cos']) # assign residuals to ra/dec residuals vector rv[2*i-2], rv[2*i-1] = radec_res rv[2*i-2]= weights[i]*rv[2*i-2] rv[2*i-1]= weights[i]*rv[2*i-1] return rv
# evaluate cost function given a set of observations def Q(x, my_data): Q0 = 0.0 for i in range(0,my_data.shape[0]-1): # observed xyz values xyz_obs = my_data[i,1:4] # predicted (computed) xyz values xyz_com = orbel2xyz(my_data[i,0], x[6], x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]) # observed minus computed residual: xyz_res = xyz_obs-xyz_com #square residual, add to total cost function, divide by number of observations Q0 = Q0 + np.linalg.norm(xyz_res, ord=2)/my_data.shape[0] return Q0 # cost function of only one argument, x # due to optimization of processing time, only the first 2,000 data points are used # nevertheless, this is enough to improve the solution def QQ(x): return Q(x, data)
[docs]def gauss_LS_sat(filename, bodyname, obs_arr, r2_root_ind_vec=None, obs_arr_ls=None, gaussiters=0, plot=True): """Earth satellites orbit determination high-level function from IOD-formatted ra/dec tracking data. IOD angle subformat 2 is assumed. Preliminary orbit determination via Gauss method is performed. Roots of 8-th order Gauss polynomial are computed using np.roots function. Note that if `r2_root_ind_vec` is not specified by the user, then the first positive root returned by np.roots is used by default. Args: filename (string): path to IOD-formatted observation data file bodyname (string): user-defined name of satellite obs_arr (int vector): line numbers in data file to be processed in Gauss preliminary orbit determination r2_root_ind_vec (1xlen(obs_arr) int array): indices of Gauss polynomial roots. obs_arr (int vector): line numbers in data file to be processed in least-squares fit gaussiters (int): number of refinement iterations to be performed plot (bool): if True, plots data. Returns: x (tuple): set of Keplerian orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, omega, T) """ # load IOD data for a given satellite iod_object_data = por.load_iod_data(filename) #load data of listed observatories (longitude, latitude, elevation) sat_observatories_data = por.load_sat_observatories_data('../station_observatory_data/sat_tracking_observatories.txt') #get preliminary orbit using Gauss method #q0 : a, e, taup, I, W, w, T q0 = np.array(gauss_method_sat(filename, obs_arr=obs_arr, bodyname=bodyname, r2_root_ind_vec=r2_root_ind_vec, refiters=gaussiters, plot=False)) x0 = q0[0:6] x0[3:6] = np.deg2rad(x0[3:6]) # if obs_arr_ls was not specified, then read whole data set: if obs_arr_ls is None: obs_arr_ls = np.array(range(1, len(iod_object_data["yr"])+1)) rov = radec_obs_vec_sat(obs_arr_ls, iod_object_data) rv0 = radec_res_vec_rov_sat(x0, obs_arr_ls, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov) Q0 = np.linalg.norm(rv0, ord=2)/len(rv0) print('\n*** ORBIT DETERMINATION: LEAST-SQUARES FIT ***') #Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_sat, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov), method='lm', xtol=1e-13) if(chk=='2'): Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_sat, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov), method='lm', xtol=1e-13) #print("--") #print(residuals) #print("--") weights=get_weights(residuals) #print("--") #print(weights) #print("--") Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_sat_w, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov, weights), method='lm', xtol=1e-13) elif(chk=='1'): Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_sat, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov), method='lm', xtol=1e-13) else: print("Invalid input.Exiting...") sys.exit() print('\nINFO: scipy.optimize.least_squares exited with code', Q_ls.status) print(Q_ls.message,'\n') tv_star, rv_star = t_radec_res_vec_sat(Q_ls.x, obs_arr_ls, iod_object_data, sat_observatories_data, rov) Q_star = np.linalg.norm(rv_star, ord=2)/len(rv_star) print('Total residual evaluated at averaged Gauss solution: ', Q0) print('Total residual evaluated at least-squares solution: ', Q_star, '\n') print('Observational arc:') print('Number of observations: ', len(obs_arr_ls)) print('First observation (UTC) : ', Time(tv_star[0], format='jd').iso) print('Last observation (UTC) : ', Time(tv_star[-1], format='jd').iso) n_num = meanmotion(mu_Earth, Q_ls.x[0]) print('\nORBITAL ELEMENTS (EQUATORIAL): a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega, T') print('Semi-major axis (a): ', Q_ls.x[0], 'km') print('Eccentricity (e): ', Q_ls.x[1]) print('Time of pericenter passage (tau): ', Time(Q_ls.x[2], format='jd').iso, 'JDUTC') print('Argument of pericenter (omega): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[3]), 'deg') print('Inclination (I): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[4]), 'deg') print('Longitude of Ascending Node (Omega): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[5]), 'deg') print('Orbital period (T): ', 2.0*np.pi/n_num/60.0, 'min') # PLOT if plot: ra_res_vec = np.rad2deg(rv_star[0::2])*(3600.0) dec_res_vec = np.rad2deg(rv_star[1::2])*(3600.0) t_plot = (tv_star-tv_star[0])*86400.0 f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) axarr[0].set_title('Gauss + LS fit residuals: RA, Dec') axarr[0].scatter(t_plot, ra_res_vec, label='delta RA (\")', marker='+') axarr[0].set_ylabel('RA (\")') axarr[1].scatter(t_plot, dec_res_vec, label='delta Dec (\")', marker='+') axarr[1].set_xlabel('time (UTC seconds since first obs)') axarr[1].set_ylabel('Dec (\")') npoints = 500 theta_vec = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*np.pi, npoints) x_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) y_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) z_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) for i in range(0,npoints): x_orb_vec[i], y_orb_vec[i], z_orb_vec[i] = xyz_frame2(Q_ls.x[0], Q_ls.x[1], theta_vec[i], Q_ls.x[3], Q_ls.x[4], Q_ls.x[5]) ax = plt.axes(aspect='equal', projection='3d') # Earth-centered orbits: satellite orbit and geocenter ax.scatter3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, color='blue', label='Earth') ax.plot3D(x_orb_vec, y_orb_vec, z_orb_vec, 'red', linewidth=0.5, label=bodyname+' orbit') plt.legend() ax.set_xlabel('x (km)') ax.set_ylabel('y (km)') ax.set_zlabel('z (km)') xy_plot_abs_max = np.max((np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_xlim())), np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_ylim())))) ax.set_xlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_ylim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_zlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.04,0.5)) ax.set_title('Satellite orbit (Gauss+LS): '+bodyname) return Q_ls.x[0], Q_ls.x[1], Time(Q_ls.x[2], format='jd'), np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[3]), np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[4]), np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[5]), 2.0*np.pi/n_num/60.0
[docs]def gauss_LS_mpc(filename, bodyname, obs_arr, r2_root_ind_vec=None, obs_arr_ls=None, gaussiters=0, plot=True): """Minor planets orbit determination high-level function from MPC-formatted ra/dec tracking data. Preliminary orbit determination via Gauss method is performed. Roots of 8-th order Gauss polynomial are computed using np.roots function. Note that if `r2_root_ind_vec` is not specified by the user, then the first positive root returned by np.roots is used by default. Args: filename (string): path to MPC-formatted observation data file bodyname (string): user-defined name of minor planet obs_arr (int vector): line numbers in data file to be processed in Gauss preliminary orbit determination r2_root_ind_vec (1xlen(obs_arr) int array): indices of Gauss polynomial roots. obs_arr (int vector): line numbers in data file to be processed in least-squares fit gaussiters (int): number of refinement iterations to be performed plot (bool): if True, plots data. Returns: x (tuple): set of Keplerian orbital elements (a, e, taup, omega, I, omega, T) """ # load MPC data for a given NEA mpc_object_data = load_mpc_data(filename) #load MPC data of listed observatories (longitude, parallax constants C, S) mpc_observatories_data = load_mpc_observatories_data('../station_observatory_data/mpc_observatories.txt') #x0 : a, e, taup, I, W, w x0 = np.array(gauss_method_mpc(filename, bodyname, obs_arr, r2_root_ind_vec=r2_root_ind_vec, refiters=gaussiters, plot=False)) x0[3:6] = np.deg2rad(x0[3:6]) # if obs_arr_ls was not specified, then read whole data set: if obs_arr_ls is None: obs_arr_ls = np.array(range(1, len(mpc_object_data)+1)) rov = radec_obs_vec_mpc(obs_arr_ls, mpc_object_data) rv0 = radec_res_vec_rov_mpc(x0, obs_arr_ls, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, rov) Q0 = np.linalg.norm(rv0, ord=2)/len(rv0) print('\n*** ORBIT DETERMINATION: LEAST-SQUARES FIT ***') #Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_mpc, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, rov), method='lm') if(chk=='2'): Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_mpc, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, rov), method='lm') #print("--") #print(residuals) #print("--") weights=get_weights(residuals) #print("--") #print(weights) #print("--") Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_mpc_w, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, rov, weights), method='lm') elif(chk=='1'): Q_ls = least_squares(radec_res_vec_rov_mpc, x0, args=(obs_arr_ls, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data, rov), method='lm') else: print("Invalid input.Exiting...") sys.exit() print('\nINFO: scipy.optimize.least_squares exited with code ', Q_ls.status) print(Q_ls.message,'\n') tv_star, rv_star = t_radec_res_vec_mpc(Q_ls.x, obs_arr_ls, mpc_object_data, mpc_observatories_data) Q_star = np.linalg.norm(rv_star, ord=2)/len(rv_star) print('Total residual evaluated at averaged Gauss solution: ', Q0) print('Total residual evaluated at least-squares solution: ', Q_star) print('Observational arc:') print('Number of observations: ', len(obs_arr_ls)) print('First observation (UTC) : ', Time(tv_star[0], format='jd').iso) print('Last observation (UTC) : ', Time(tv_star[-1], format='jd').iso) n_num = meanmotion(mu_Sun, Q_ls.x[0]) print('\nORBITAL ELEMENTS (ECLIPTIC, MEAN J2000.0): a, e, taup, omega, I, Omega, T') print('Semi-major axis (a): ', Q_ls.x[0], 'au') print('Eccentricity (e): ', Q_ls.x[1]) print('Time of pericenter passage (tau): ', Time(Q_ls.x[2], format='jd').iso, 'JDTDB') print('Pericenter distance (q): ', Q_ls.x[0]*(1.0-Q_ls.x[1]), 'au') print('Apocenter distance (Q): ', Q_ls.x[0]*(1.0+Q_ls.x[1]), 'au') print('Argument of pericenter (omega): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[3]), 'deg') print('Inclination (I): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[4]), 'deg') print('Longitude of Ascending Node (Omega): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[5]), 'deg') print('Orbital period (T): ', 2.0*np.pi/n_num, 'days') # PLOT if plot: ra_res_vec = np.rad2deg(rv_star[0::2])*(3600.0) dec_res_vec = np.rad2deg(rv_star[1::2])*(3600.0) f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) axarr[0].set_title('Gauss + LS fit residuals: RA, Dec') axarr[0].scatter(tv_star-tv_star[0], ra_res_vec, label='delta RA (\")', marker='+') axarr[0].set_ylabel('RA (\")') axarr[1].scatter(tv_star-tv_star[0], dec_res_vec, label='delta Dec (\")', marker='+') axarr[1].set_xlabel('time (TDB days since first obs)') axarr[1].set_ylabel('Dec (\")') npoints = 500 # number of points in orbit theta_vec = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*np.pi, npoints) t_Ea_vec = np.linspace(tv_star[0], tv_star[-1], npoints) x_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) y_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) z_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) x_Ea_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) y_Ea_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) z_Ea_orb_vec = np.zeros((npoints,)) for i in range(0,npoints): x_orb_vec[i], y_orb_vec[i], z_orb_vec[i] = xyz_frame2(Q_ls.x[0], Q_ls.x[1], theta_vec[i], Q_ls.x[3], Q_ls.x[4], Q_ls.x[5]) xyz_Ea_orb_vec_equat = earth_ephemeris(t_Ea_vec[i])/au xyz_Ea_orb_vec_eclip = np.matmul(rot_equat_to_eclip, xyz_Ea_orb_vec_equat) x_Ea_orb_vec[i], y_Ea_orb_vec[i], z_Ea_orb_vec[i] = xyz_Ea_orb_vec_eclip ax = plt.axes(aspect='equal', projection='3d') # Sun-centered orbits: Computed orbit and Earth's ax.scatter3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, color='yellow', label='Sun') ax.plot3D(x_Ea_orb_vec, y_Ea_orb_vec, z_Ea_orb_vec, color='blue', linewidth=0.5, label='Earth orbit') ax.plot3D(x_orb_vec, y_orb_vec, z_orb_vec, 'red', linewidth=0.5, label=bodyname+' orbit') plt.legend() ax.set_xlabel('x (au)') ax.set_ylabel('y (au)') ax.set_zlabel('z (au)') xy_plot_abs_max = np.max((np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_xlim())), np.amax(np.abs(ax.get_ylim())))) ax.set_xlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_ylim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.set_zlim(-xy_plot_abs_max, xy_plot_abs_max) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.04,0.5)) #, ncol=3) ax.set_title('Angles-only orbit determ. (Gauss+LS): '+bodyname) return Q_ls.x[0], Q_ls.x[1], Time(Q_ls.x[2], format='jd'), np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[3]), np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[4]), np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[5]), 2.0*np.pi/n_num
if __name__ == "__main__": # Earth's mass parameter in appropriate units: mu_Earth = 398600.435436E9 # m^3/seg^2 #Earth's radius in appropriate units: # R_Earth = 6378136.3 #m #minimal acceptable altitude for satellites (150 km)?? #maximal acceptable altitude for satellites (150 km)?? #write file name of data: fname = '../orbit.csv' # load observational data: data = np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=1,usecols=(0,1,2,3)) # generate vector of initial guess of orbital elements: # values written below correspond to solution of for the same file data0 = __read_file(fname) kep0, res0 = determine_kep(data0) a_ = kep0[0][0] # m e_ = kep0[1][0] I_ = np.deg2rad(kep0[2][0]) #deg omega_ = np.deg2rad(kep0[3][0]) #deg Omega_ = np.deg2rad(kep0[4][0]) #deg f_ = np.deg2rad(kep0[5][0]) #deg #estimate time of pericenter passage from true anomaly at epoch E_ = truean2eccan(e_, f_) #ecc. anomaly M_ = E_-e_*np.sin(E_) #mean anomaly n_ = meanmotion(mu_Earth,a_) #mean motion taup_ = data[0,0]-M_/n_ #time of pericenter passage # this is the vector of initial guess of orbital elements: x0 = np.array((a_, e_, taup_, omega_, I_, Omega_, mu_Earth)) print('Orbital elements, initial guess:') print('Semi-major axis (a): ',a_,'m') print('Eccentricity (e): ',e_) print('Time of pericenter passage (tau): ',taup_,'sec') print('Argument of pericenter (omega): ',np.rad2deg(omega_),'deg') print('Inclination (I): ',np.rad2deg(I_),'deg') print('Longitude of Ascending Node (Omega): ',np.rad2deg(Omega_),'deg') print('Earth\'s G*mass : ',mu_Earth,'m^3 s^-2\n') #the arithmetic mean will be used as the reference epoch for the elements t_mean = np.mean(data[:,0]) # minimize cost function QQ, using initial guess x0 #Q_mini = minimize(QQ,x0,method='nelder-mead',options={'maxiter':100, 'disp': True}) #Q_ls = least_squares(res_vec, x0, args=(data[0:2000,:], mu_Earth), method='lm') #Q_ls = least_squares(res_vec, x0, args=(data, mu_Earth), method='lm') print("What action do you want to perform?") print("1.Least squares.") print("2.Weighted Least squares.") chk=input() if(chk=='2'): Q_ls = least_squares(res_vec_1, x0, args=(data,), method='lm') #print("--") #print(residuals) #print("--") weights=get_weights(residuals) #print("--") #print(weights) #print("--") Q_ls = least_squares(res_vec, x0, args=(data,weights), method='lm') elif(chk=='1'): Q_ls = least_squares(res_vec_1, x0, args=(data,), method='lm') else: print("Invalid input.Exiting...") sys.exit() print('scipy.optimize.least_squares exited with code ', Q_ls.status) print(Q_ls.message,'\n') #display least-squares solution print('\nOrbital elements, least-squares solution:') print('Reference epoch (t0): ', t_mean) print('Semi-major axis (a): ', Q_ls.x[0], 'm') print('Eccentricity (e): ', Q_ls.x[1]) print('Time of pericenter passage (tau): ', Q_ls.x[2], 'sec') print('Pericenter distance (q): ', Q_ls.x[0]*(1.0-Q_ls.x[1]), 'm') print('Apocenter distance (Q): ', Q_ls.x[0]*(1.0+Q_ls.x[1]), 'm') print('True anomaly at epoch (f0): ', np.rad2deg(time2truean(Q_ls.x[0], Q_ls.x[1], mu_Earth , t_mean, Q_ls.x[2])), 'deg') print('Argument of pericenter (omega): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[3]), 'deg') print('Inclination (I): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[4]), 'deg') print('Longitude of Ascending Node (Omega): ', np.rad2deg(Q_ls.x[5]), 'deg') print('Earth\'s G*mass : ',Q_ls.x[6],' m^3 s^-2\n') print('Total residual evaluated at initial guess: ', QQ(x0)) print('Total residual evaluated at least-squares solution: ', QQ(Q_ls.x)) print('Percentage improvement: ', (QQ(x0)-QQ(Q_ls.x))/QQ(x0)*100, ' %') # the observed range as a function of time will be used for plotting ranges_ = np.sqrt(data[:,1]**2+data[:,2]**2+data[:,3]**2) #generate plots: plt.scatter( data[:,0], ranges_ ,s=0.1, label='observed data') plt.plot( data[:,0], kep_r_(x0[0], x0[1], time2truean(x0[0], x0[1], mu_Earth, data[:,0], x0[2])), color="green", label='initial fit') plt.plot( data[:,0], kep_r_(Q_ls.x[0], Q_ls.x[1], time2truean(Q_ls.x[0], Q_ls.x[1], mu_Earth, data[:,0], Q_ls.x[2])), color="orange", label='LS fit') plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('range') plt.title('LS fit vs observations: range') plt.legend()