Source code for orbitdeterminator.propagation.sgp4

Takes a TLE at a certain time epoch and then computes the state vectors and
hence orbital elements at every time epoch (at every second) for the next 8

import numpy as np
import math
import sys
import os
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))
from kep_determination.gibbs_method import *

pi = np.pi
meu = 398600.4418
two_pi = 2*pi
min_per_day = 1440
ae = 1
tothrd = 2.0/3.0
XJ3 = -2.53881e-6
e6a = 1.0E-6
xkmper = 6378.135
ge = 398600.8           # Earth gravitational constant
CK2 = 1.0826158e-3/2.0
CK4 = -3.0*-1.65597e-6/8.0

def rev_per_day(axis):
    # mean motion (revolution per day)
        t = 2*pi*math.sqrt(abs(axis)**3/meu)
        n = 1/t
        n = n*86400                     # 86400 seconds in a day
        return n

class Error(Exception):
   '''Base class for the exceptions.'''

[docs]class FlagCheckError(Error): '''Raised when compute_necessary_xxx() function is not called.''' def __init__(self): print("Error: Call compute_necessary_kep() or compute_necessary_tle() function of the class SGP4\n\ before calling propagate().\n\n\ Function Declaration:\n\n\ compute_necessary_kep(list, float)\n\ Parameter 1:List of keplerian elements (semi-major axis, inclination, ascension,\n\ eccentricity, perigee, anomaly)\n\ Parameter 2:bstar drag term\n\ Returns: NIL\n\n\ compute_necessary_tle(str, str)\n\ Parameter 1: First line of the TLE\n\ Parameter 2: Second line of the TLE\n\ Returns: NIL\n")
[docs]class SGP4(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): '''Initializes flag variable to check for FlagCheckError (custom exception).''' self.flag = 0
[docs] def compute_necessary_kep(self, kep, b_star=0.21109E-4): ''' Initializes the necessary class variables using keplerian elements which are needed in the computation of the propagation model. Args: kep (list): kep elements in order [axis, inclination, ascension, eccentricity, perigee, anomaly] b_star (float): bstar drag term Returns: NIL ''' self.flag = 1 self.xincl = float(kep[1]) * (pi/180) # in degree self.xnodeo = float(kep[2]) * (pi/180) self.eo = float(kep[3]) self.omegao = float(kep[4]) * (pi/180) self.xmo = float(kep[5]) * (pi/180) t = 2*pi*math.sqrt(kep[0]**3/meu) n = 1/t n = n*86400 # 86400 seconds in a day self.xno = n*two_pi/min_per_day self.bstar = b_star
# print(self.xmo,self.xnodeo,self.omegao,self.xincl,self.eo,self.xno,self.bstar)
[docs] def compute_necessary_tle(self, line1, line2): ''' Initializes the necessary class variables using TLE which are needed in the computation of the propagation model. Args: line1 (str): line 1 of the TLE line2 (str): line 2 of the TLE Returns: NIL ''' self.flag = 1 self.xmo = float(''.join(line2[43:51])) * (pi/180) self.xnodeo = float(''.join(line2[17:25])) * (pi/180) self.omegao = float(''.join(line2[34:42])) * (pi/180) self.xincl = float(''.join(line2[8:16])) * (pi/180) self.eo = float('0.'+str(''.join(line2[26:33]))) self.xno = float(''.join(line2[52:63]))*two_pi/min_per_day self.bstar = int(''.join(line1[53:59]))*(1e-5)*(10**int(''.join(line1[59:61])))
# print(self.xmo,self.xnodeo,self.omegao,self.xincl,self.eo,self.xno,self.bstar)
[docs] def propagate(self, t1, t2): ''' Invokes the function to compute state vectors and organises the final result. The function first checks if compute_necessary_xxx() is called or not if not then a custom exception is raised stating that call this function first. Then it computes the state vector for the next 8 hours (28800 seconds in 8 hours) at every time epoch (28800 time epcohs) using the sgp4 propagation model. The values of state vector is formatted upto five decimal points and then all the state vectors got appended in a list which stores the final output. Args: t1 (int): start time epoch t2 (int): end time epoch Returns: numpy.ndarray: vector containing all state vectors ''' try: if(self.flag == 0): raise FlagCheckError except FlagCheckError: sys.exit() i = t1 size = t2-t1+1 final = np.zeros((size,6)) # gibbs = Gibbs() while(i <= t2): tsince = i pos, vel = self.propagation_model(tsince) data = [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]] data = [float("{0:.5f}".format(i)) for i in data] # ele = gibbs.orbital_elements(pos, vel) # print(str(tsince) + " - " + str(ele)) # print(str(tsince) + " - " + str(pos) + " " + str(vel)) final[i,:] = data i = i + 1 # del(gibbs) return final
[docs] def propagation_model(self, tsince): ''' From the time epoch and information from TLE, applies SGP4 on it. The function applies the Simplified General Perturbations algorithm SGP4 on the information extracted from the TLE at the given time epoch 'tsince' and computes the state vector from it. Args: tsince (int): time epoch Returns: tuple: position and velocity vector ''' # Constants s = ae + 78 / xkmper qo = ae + 120 / xkmper xke = math.sqrt((3600 * ge)/(xkmper**3)) qoms2t = ((qo-s)**2)**2 temp2 = xke/self.xno a1 = temp2**tothrd cosio = math.cos(self.xincl) theta2 = cosio**2 x3thm1 = 3*theta2-1 eosq = self.eo**2 betao2 = 1-eosq betao = math.sqrt(betao2) del1 = (1.5*CK2*x3thm1)/((a1**2)*betao*betao2) ao = a1*(1-del1*((1.0/3.0)+del1*(1+(134.0/81.0)*del1))) delo = 1.5*CK2*x3thm1/((ao**2)*betao*betao2) xnodp = (self.xno)/(1+delo) aodp = ao/(1-delo) # Initialization isimp = 0 if((aodp*(1-self.eo)/ae) < (220.0/xkmper+ae)): isimp = 1 s4 = s qoms24 = qoms2t perigee = (aodp*(1-self.eo)-ae)*xkmper if(perigee < 156): s4 = perigee - 78 if(perigee <= 98): s4 = 20 qoms24 = ((120-s4)*ae/xkmper)**4 s4 = s4/xkmper+ae pinvsq = 1/((aodp**2)*(betao2**2)) tsi = 1/(aodp-s4) eta = aodp*(self.eo)*tsi etasq = eta**2 eeta = (self.eo)*eta psisq = abs(1-etasq) coef = qoms24*(tsi**4) coef1 = coef/(psisq**3.5) c2 = coef1*xnodp*(aodp*(1+1.5*etasq+eeta*(4+etasq))+0.75*CK2*tsi/psisq*x3thm1*(8+3*etasq*(8+etasq))) c1 = self.bstar*c2 sinio = math.sin(self.xincl) a3ovk2 = -XJ3/CK2*(ae**3) c3 = coef*tsi*a3ovk2*xnodp*ae*sinio/self.eo x1mth2 = 1-theta2 c4 = 2*xnodp*coef1*aodp*betao2*(eta*(2.0+0.5*etasq)+(self.eo)*(0.5+2*etasq)-2*CK2*tsi/(aodp*psisq)*(-3*x3thm1*(1-2*eeta+etasq*(1.5-0.5*eeta))+0.75*x1mth2*(2*etasq-eeta*(1+etasq))*math.cos(2*self.omegao))) c5 = 2*coef1*aodp*betao2*(1+2.75*(etasq+eeta)+eeta*etasq) theta4 = theta2**2 temp1 = 3*CK2*pinvsq*xnodp temp2 = temp1*CK2*pinvsq temp3 = 1.25*CK4*(pinvsq**2)*xnodp xmdot = xnodp+0.5*temp1*betao*x3thm1+0.0625*temp2*betao*(13-78*theta2+137*theta4) x1m5th = 1-5*theta2 omgdot = -0.5*temp1*x1m5th+0.0625*temp2*(7-114*theta2+395*theta4)+temp3*(3-36*theta2+49*theta4) xhdot1 = -temp1*cosio xnodot = xhdot1+(0.5*temp2*(4-19*theta2)+2*temp3*(3-7*theta2))*cosio omgcof = self.bstar*c3*math.cos(self.omegao) xmcof = -(2/3)*coef*(self.bstar)*ae/eeta xnodcf = 3.5*betao2*xhdot1*c1 t2cof = 1.5*c1 xlcof = 0.125*a3ovk2*sinio*(3+5*cosio)/(1+cosio) aycof = 0.25*a3ovk2*sinio delmo = (1+eta*math.cos(self.xmo))**3 sinmo = math.sin(self.xmo) x7thm1 = 7*theta2-1 if(isimp == 0): c1sq = c1**2 d2 = 4*aodp*tsi*c1sq temp = d2*tsi*c1/3 d3 = (17*aodp+s4)*temp d4 = 0.5*temp*aodp*tsi*(221*aodp+31*4)*c1 t3cof = d2+2*c1sq t4cof = 0.25*(3*d3+c1*(12*d2+10*c1sq)) t5cof = 0.2*(3*d4+12*c1*d3+6*(d2**2)+15*c1sq*(2*d2+c1sq)) xmdf = self.xmo+xmdot*tsince omgadf = self.omegao+omgdot*tsince xnoddf = self.xnodeo+xnodot*tsince omega = omgadf xmp = xmdf tsq = tsince**2 xnode = xnoddf+xnodcf*tsq tempa = 1 - c1*tsince tempe = self.bstar*c4*tsince templ = t2cof*tsq if(isimp == 0): delomg = omgcof*tsince delm = xmcof*(((1+eta*math.cos(xmdf))**3)-delmo) temp = delomg+delm xmp = xmdf+temp omega = omgadf-temp tcube = tsq*tsince tfour = tsince*tcube tempa = tempa-d2*tsq-d3*tcube-d4*tfour tempe = tempe+self.bstar*c5*(math.sin(xmp)-sinmo) templ = templ+t3cof*tcube+tfour*(t4cof+tsince*t5cof) a = aodp*(tempa**2) e = self.eo-tempe xl = xmp+omega+xnode+xnodp*templ beta = math.sqrt(1-e**2) xn = xke/(a**1.5) axn = e*math.cos(omega) temp = 1/(a*(beta**2)) xll = temp*xlcof*axn aynl = temp*aycof xlt = xl+xll ayn = e*math.sin(omega)+aynl diff = xlt - xnode capu = diff - math.floor(diff/two_pi) * two_pi if(capu < 0): capu = capu + two_pi temp2 = capu i = 1 while(1): sinepw = math.sin(temp2) cosepw = math.cos(temp2) temp3 = axn*sinepw temp4 = ayn*cosepw temp5 = axn*cosepw temp6 = ayn*sinepw epw = (capu-temp4+temp3-temp2)/(1-temp5-temp6)+temp2 temp7 = temp2 temp2 = epw i = i + 1 if((i>10) | (abs(epw-temp7)<=e6a)): break ecose = temp5+temp6 esine = temp3-temp4 elsq = axn**2 + ayn**2 temp = 1-elsq pl = a*temp r = a*(1-ecose) temp1 = 1/r rdot = xke*math.sqrt(a)*esine*temp1 rfdot = xke*math.sqrt(pl)*temp1 temp2 = a*temp1 betal = math.sqrt(temp) temp3 = 1/(1+betal) cosu = temp2*(cosepw-axn+ayn*esine*temp3) sinu = temp2*(sinepw-ayn-axn*esine*temp3) u = math.atan2(sinu, cosu) if(u < 0): u = u + two_pi sin2u = 2*sinu*cosu cos2u = 2*(cosu**2)-1 temp = 1/pl temp1 = CK2*temp temp2 = temp1*temp rk = r*(1-1.5*temp2*betal*x3thm1)+0.5*temp1*x1mth2*cos2u uk = u-0.25*temp2*x7thm1*sin2u xnodek = xnode+1.5*temp2*cosio*sin2u xinck = self.xincl+1.5*temp2*cosio*sinio*cos2u rdotk = rdot-xn*temp1*x1mth2*sin2u rfdotk = rfdot+xn*temp1*(x1mth2*cos2u+1.5*x3thm1) MV = [-math.sin(xnodek)*math.cos(xinck), math.cos(xnodek)*math.cos(xinck), math.sin(xinck)] NV = [math.cos(xnodek), math.sin(xnodek), 0] UV = [0, 0, 0] VV = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): UV[i] = MV[i]*math.sin(uk) + NV[i]*math.cos(uk) VV[i] = MV[i]*math.cos(uk) - NV[i]*math.sin(uk) pos = [0, 0, 0] vel = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): pos[i] = rk*UV[i]*xkmper vel[i] = (rdotk*UV[i] + rfdotk*VV[i])*xkmper/60 return pos, vel
[docs] @classmethod def recover_tle(self, pos, vel): """ Recovers TLE back from state vector. First of all, only necessary information (which are inclination, right ascension of the ascending node, eccentricity, argument of perigee, mean anomaly, mean motion and bstar) that are needed in the computation of SGP4 propagation model are recovered. It is using a general format of TLE. State vectors are used to find orbital elements which are then inserted into the TLE format at their respective positions. Mean motion and bstar is calculated separately as it is not a part of orbital elements. Format of TLE: x denotes that there is a digit, c denotes a character value, underscore(_) denotes a plus/minus(+/-) sign value and period(.) denotes a decimal point. Args: pos (list): position vector vel (list): velocity vector Returns: list: line1 and line2 of TLE """ # TLE format line1 = "1 xxxxxc xxxxxccc xxxxx.xxxxxxxx _.xxxxxxxx _xxxxx_x _xxxxx_x x xxxxx" line2 = "2 xxxxx xxx.xxxx xxx.xxxx xxxxxxx xxx.xxxx xxx.xxxx xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # line 1 # line1 = list(line1) # line1 = "".join(line1) # line 2 line2 = list(line2) gibbs = Gibbs() ele = gibbs.orbital_elements(pos, vel) del(gibbs) # inclination inc = float("{0:.4f}".format(ele[2])) if(inc < 10.0): inc = str(" ") + str(inc) elif(inc < 100.0): inc = str(" ") + str(inc) line2[8:16] = str(inc) # right ascension of ascending node asc = float("{0:.4f}".format(ele[4])) if(asc < 10.0): asc = str(" ") + str(asc) elif(asc < 100.0): asc = str(" ") + str(asc) line2[17:25] = str(asc) # eccentricity e = list("{0:.7f}".format(ele[1])) e = str("".join(e[2:])) line2[26:33] = e # argument of perigee per = float("{0:.4f}".format(ele[3])) if(per < 10.0): per = str(" ") + str(per) elif(per < 100.0): per = str(" ") + str(per) line2[34:42] = str(per) # mean anomaly anom = float("{0:.4f}".format(ele[5])) if(anom < 10.0): anom = str(" ") + str(anom) elif(anom < 100.0): anom = str(" ") + str(anom) line2[43:51] = str(anom) # mean motion (revolution per day) t = 2*pi*math.sqrt(ele[0]**3/meu) n = 1/t n = n*86400 # 86400 seconds in a day n = float("{0:.8f}".format(n)) if(n < 10.0): n = str(" ") + str(n) line2[52:63] = str(n) line2 = "".join(line2) tle = [line1, line2] return tle
# if __name__ == "__main__": # line1 = "1 88888U 80275.98708465 .00073094 13844-3 66816-4 0 8" # line2 = "2 88888 72.8435 115.9689 0086731 52.6988 110.5714 16.05824518 105" # # # using compute_necessary_tle() # obj = SGP4() # obj.compute_necessary_tle(line1,line2) # state_vec = obj.propagate(0, 28800) # # # using compute_necessary_kep() # ele = [6641.785974865588, 72.8538850731544, 115.96228572568285, \ # 0.009668565050958889, 59.42251148052069, 104.89188402366825] # obj.compute_necessary_kep(ele) # state_vec = obj.propagate(0, 28800) # # # Recover TLE from state vector # pos = [state_vec[0][0], state_vec[0][1], state_vec[0][2]] # vel = [state_vec[0][3], state_vec[0][4], state_vec[0][5]] # tle = obj.recover_tle(pos, vel) # # del(obj)