Source code for orbitdeterminator.propagation.sgp4_prop_string

"""SGP4 propagator. This is a wrapper around PyPI SGP4 propagator.
   It constructs an artificial TLE and passes it to the PyPI module."""

import time

import numpy as np

from sgp4.earth_gravity import wgs72
from import twoline2rv

avg_bstar = 0.21109E-4

[docs]def propagate(kep,init_time,final_time,bstar=avg_bstar): """Propagates a set of keplerian elements. Args: kep(1x6 numpy array): osculating keplerian elements at epoch init_time(float): initial time (epoch) final_time(float): final time bstar(float): bstar drag coefficient Returns: pos(1x3 numpy array): the position at tf vel(1x3 numpy array): the velocity at tf """ t0 = time.gmtime(init_time) t0 = ((t0.tm_year%100)*1000 + t0.tm_yday+ t0.tm_hour/24 + t0.tm_min/1440 + t0.tm_sec/86400) t0 = "{:14.8f}".format(t0) tf = time.gmtime(final_time) mu = 398600.4405 n = 86400/2/np.pi * (mu/kep[0]**3)**0.5 tanom = np.radians(kep[5]) e = kep[1] ecc = np.arctan2((1-e**2)**0.5*np.sin(tanom),e+np.cos(tanom)) ecc = ecc%(2*np.pi) mean = ecc - e*np.sin(ecc) mean = np.degrees(mean) inc = "{:8.4f}".format(kep[2]) raan = "{:8.4f}".format(kep[4]) e = "{:.7f}".format(e)[2:] argp = "{:8.4f}".format(kep[3]) mean = "{:8.4f}".format(mean) n = "{:11.8f}".format(n) bexp = np.floor(np.log10(abs(bstar)))+1 bstar = "{:+5}{:+.0f}".format(int(bstar*10**(-bexp+5)),bexp) line1 = ('1 00000U 000000 '+t0+' ' '.00000000 00000-0 '+bstar+' 0 0000') line2 = ('2 00000 '+inc+' '+raan+' '+e+' '+argp+ ' '+mean+' '+n+'000000') satellite = twoline2rv(line1, line2, wgs72) position, velocity = satellite.propagate( tf.tm_year, tf.tm_mon, tf.tm_mday, tf.tm_hour, tf.tm_min, tf.tm_sec) return position,velocity
if __name__ == "__main__": t0 = 1526927274 tf = 1526932833 kep = np.array([6782.96, 0.0004084, 51.6402, 108.2140, 150.4026, 238.0528]) pos, vel = propagate(kep,t0,tf) print(pos) print(vel)