Source code for orbitdeterminator.propagation.simulator

"""Outputs a satellite's location periodically."""

import sys
import time
import signal
import threading
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)))
from propagation.cowell import propagate_state
from util.teme_to_ecef import conv_to_ecef
from util.new_tle_kep_state import kep_to_state

[docs]class Simulator(): """A class for the simulator."""
[docs] def __init__(self,params): """Initializes the simulator. Args: params: A SimParams object containing kep,t0,t,period,speed, and op_writer Returns: nothing """ self.s = kep_to_state(params.kep).flatten() self.t0 = params.epoch self.t = params.t0-params.period self.period = params.period self.speed = params.speed self.op_writer = params.op_writer self.s = propagate_state(self.s,self.t0,self.t) self.t0 = self.t self.calc_thr = None self.is_running = False
[docs] def simulate(self): """Starts the calculation thread and waits for keyboard input. Press q or Ctrl-C to quit the simulator cleanly.""" self.is_running = True self.calc_thr = threading.Timer(0, self.calc) self.calc_thr.start() # listen for commands. # only quit command implemented for now while self.is_running: c = input() if (c == 'q'): self.stop()
[docs] def calc(self): """Calculates the satellite state at current time and calls itself after a certain amount of time.""" calc_period = max(0,self.period/self.speed) self.calc_thr = threading.Timer(calc_period, self.calc) self.calc_thr.start() self.t += self.period self.s = propagate_state(self.s,self.t0,self.t) self.t0 = self.t self.op_writer.write(self.t,self.s)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the simulator cleanly.""" if self.calc_thr is not None: self.calc_thr.cancel() self.is_running = False self.op_writer.close()
def __sig_handler(simulator, signal, frame): """Ctrl-C handler""" simulator.stop() sys.exit(0)
[docs]class OpWriter(): """Base output writer class. Inherit this class and override the methods."""
[docs] def open(self): """Anything that has to be executed before starting to write output. Runs once. Example: Establishing connection to database """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def write(t,s): """This method is called everytime the calc thread finishes a computation. Args: t: the current time of simulation s: the state vector at t [rx,ry,rz,vx,vy,vz] """ print(t,*s)
[docs] def close(self): """Anything that has to be executed after finishing writing the output. Runs once. Example: Closing connection to a database """ pass
# Sample op_writer classes class print_lat_lon(OpWriter): """Prints the latitude and longitude""" @staticmethod def write(t,s): t,lat,lon,alt = conv_to_ecef(np.array([[t,*s[0:3]]]))[0] print(t,lat,lon,alt)
[docs]class save_r(OpWriter): """Saves the position vector to a file"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name): """Initialize the class. Args: name(string): file name """ self.file_name = name
def open(self): #self.f = open(self.file_name,'a') self.t = None self.iter = 0 self.f = open(self.file_name,'a') self.f.write('# Begin write\r\n') self.f.close() def write(self,t,s): if not self.t == t: self.f = open(self.file_name,'a') self.f.write("{} {} {} {}\r\n".format(t,*s)) self.f.close() self.t = t print("\rIteration:",self.iter,end=' '*10) self.iter+=1 def close(self): self.f.close()
[docs]class SimParams(): """SimParams class. This is just a container for all the parameters required to start the simulation. Params ------ kep(1x6 numpy array): the intial osculating keplerian elements epoch(float): the epoch of the above kep period(float): maximum time period between observations t0(float): starting time of the simulation speed(float): speed of the simulation op_writer(OpWriter): output handling object """ kep = None epoch = None period = 1 t0 = int(time.time()) speed = 1 op_writer = OpWriter()
if __name__ == "__main__": epoch = 1531152114 iss_kep = np.array([6785.68682,0.0003456,51.6418,290.0933,266.6543,212.430557]) params = SimParams() params.kep = iss_kep params.epoch = epoch params.op_writer = print_lat_lon() #save_r('ISS.csv') s = Simulator(params) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, partial(__sig_handler,s)) s.simulate()