Source code for orbitdeterminator.util.new_tle_kep_state

"""This module computes the state vector from keplerian elements."""

import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

mu = 398600.4418

def __MtoE(M,e):
    """Calculates the eccentric anomaly from the mean anomaly.

           M(float): the mean anomaly (in radians)
           e(float): the eccentricity

           float: The eccentric anomaly (in radians)

    E = M
    dy = 1
    while(abs(dy) > 0.0001):
        M2 = E - e*math.sin(E)
        dy = M - M2
        dx = dy/(1-e*math.cos(E))
        E = E+dx

    return E

def __TtoE(T,e):
    E = math.atan2((1-e**2)**0.5*math.sin(T),e+math.cos(T))
    E = E%(2*math.pi)
    return E

def __EtoT(E,e):
    T = math.atan2((1-e**2)**0.5*math.sin(E),math.cos(E)-e)
    T = T%(2*math.pi)
    return T

def MtoT(M,e):
    return __EtoT(__MtoE(M,e),e)

[docs]def tle_to_state(tle): """ This function converts from TLE elements to position and velocity vector Args: tle(1x6 numpy array): tle contains the following variables tle[0] = inclination (degrees) tle[1] = right ascension of the ascending node (degrees) tle[2] = eccentricity (number) tle[3] = argument of perigee (degrees) tle[4] = mean anomaly (degrees) tle[5] = mean motion (revs per day) Returns: r: 1x6 numpy array which contains the position and velocity vector r[0],r[1],r[2] = position vector [rx,ry,rz] km r[3],r[4],r[5] = velocity vector [vx,vy,vz] km/s """ # unload orbital elements array T = 86400/tle[5] sma = (mu*(T/2/math.pi)**2)**(1/3) ecc = tle[2] # eccentricity inc = tle[0] # inclination argp = tle[3] # argument of perigee raan = tle[1] # right ascension of the ascending node tanom = MtoT(math.radians(tle[4]), ecc) # we use mean anomaly(kep(5)) and the function MtoT to compute true anomaly (tanom) tanom = math.degrees(tanom)%360 kep = np.array([sma,ecc,inc,argp,raan,tanom]) s = kep_to_state(kep) print("Keplerian Elements:") print(kep) return s
[docs]def kep_to_state(kep): """ This function converts from keplerian elements to the position and velocity vector Args: kep(1x6 numpy array): kep contains the following variables kep[0] = semi-major axis (kms) kep[1] = eccentricity (number) kep[2] = inclination (degrees) kep[3] = argument of perigee (degrees) kep[4] = right ascension of ascending node (degrees) kep[5] = true anomaly (degrees) Returns: r: 1x6 numpy array which contains the position and velocity vector r[0],r[1],r[2] = position vector [rx,ry,rz] km r[3],r[4],r[5] = velocity vector [vx,vy,vz] km/s """ r = np.zeros((6,1)) # unload orbital elements array sma = kep[0] # sma is semi major axis ecc = kep[1] # eccentricity inc = math.radians(kep[2]) # inclination argp = math.radians(kep[3]) # argument of perigee raan = math.radians(kep[4]) # right ascension of the ascending node eanom = __TtoE(math.radians(kep[5]), ecc) # we use mean anomaly(kep(5)) and the function MtoE to compute eccentric anomaly (eanom) smb = sma * math.sqrt(1-ecc**2) x = sma * (math.cos(eanom) - ecc) y = smb * math.sin(eanom) # calculate position and velocity in orbital frame m_dot = (mu/sma**3)**0.5 e_dot = m_dot/(1 - ecc*math.cos(eanom)) x_dot = -sma * math.sin(eanom) * e_dot y_dot = smb * math.cos(eanom) * e_dot # rotate them by argp degrees x_rot = x * math.cos(argp) - y * math.sin(argp) y_rot = x * math.sin(argp) + y * math.cos(argp) x_dot_rot = x_dot * math.cos(argp) - y_dot * math.sin(argp) y_dot_rot = x_dot * math.sin(argp) + y_dot * math.cos(argp) # convert them into 3D coordinates r[0] = x_rot * math.cos(raan) - y_rot * math.sin(raan) * math.cos(inc) r[1] = x_rot * math.sin(raan) + y_rot * math.cos(raan) * math.cos(inc) r[2] = y_rot * math.sin(inc) r[3] = x_dot_rot * math.cos(raan) - y_dot_rot * math.sin(raan) * math.cos(inc) r[4] = x_dot_rot * math.sin(raan) + y_dot_rot * math.cos(raan) * math.cos(inc) r[5] = y_dot_rot * math.sin(inc) return r
if __name__ == "__main__": #tle = np.array([51.6382,7.1114,0.0002893,211.1340,148.9642,15.568214688]) #tle = np.array([51.6428, 291.0075, 0.0003411, 263.9950, 245.8448, 15.54009155]) tle = np.array([51.6418, 266.6543, 0.0003456, 290.0933, 212.4518, 15.54021918]) r = tle_to_state(tle) print(r)